Friday, June 30, 2006

Dark Blood After Depo Provera

Pablo Neruda "Ode to the cat-

Oda cat
Pablo Neruda
were imperfect, long-tailed
, sad
Little by little they
becoming a landscape,
acquiring spots, grace, flight.
The cat, only the cat
appeared complete and proud:
born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what you want.
The man wants to be fish or fowl,
the snake would have wings,
the dog is a lost lion,
the engineer wants to be a poet, fly
studies the swallow,
the poet tries to imitate the fly, but the cat
want to be just
cat and every cat is cat
from whiskers to tail,
from a rat living from
the night to his golden eyes. There is no unity
like him have no
the moon and the flower
such context:
is one thing
as the sun or a topaz,
and the elastic line in outline
strong and subtle like
line on the bow of a ship. His yellow eyes
have just one slot
to coin the gold of the night. O little emperor without globe
conqueror without country, tiny tiger
games, bridal
sultan of the sky of erotic tiles,
love the wind in the open
you claim
when you spend
and place four
delicate feet on the ground, smelling
distrust of all land, because todoes unclean
for the immaculate foot of the cat. Oh
independent house, arrogant
vestige of the night,
lazy, gymnastic and alien
profound cat, secret police
insignia of a missing
velvet, surely there
enigma to your manner, perhaps
are not a mystery,
everyone knows you and you belong
least mysterious inhabitant, perhaps everyone
everyone believes owners
owners, uncles
cats, colleagues
colleagues or friends
disciples of your cat.
I do not.
I do not subscribe.
I do not know the cat.
I know everything, life and its archipelago,
the sea and the incalculable city,
gynoecium with their loss,
the for and the least of mathematics, volcanic funnels
the world, shell
Unreal crocodile ignored
goodness of a firefighter,
the blue atavism of priests,
but I can not decipher a cat. My reason
slipped in their indifference, their eyes have
golden numbers.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Where Is The Presurrre Point For Periods

blue Chartreux Cat feline

According to Jean Simonnet, a great lover of the breed and absolute expert, the Carthusians could have originated in the mountainous regions of Turkey and Iran and may be introduced in France commercial vessels in the Middle East at a time after the Crusades. Another hypothesis considers most romantic cat native of France, raised only by Carthusian monks in a monastery near the town of Grenoble, world famous for its liqueur Chartreuse. " For its excellent quality as the Carthusian mouser could be the keeper of manuscripts and books in the library of the monks. But no one can see that the monks of the Grande Chartreuse (the Grande Chartreuse) will breed these cats. The name chartreux is not too clear. It appears that the name refers to the pile des Chartreux, wool fabric imported from Spain to France, whose dense texture recalls the coat of this cat. We know the presence of blue cats in France since the sixteenth century. The first written reference (1558) is in a poem by Joachim Du Bellay (Vers français sur la mort d'un petit chat) on your cat Belaud. Chartreux The term first appears in the Universal Dictionary of Commerce, Natural History and Arts and Crafts of Savarry des Bruslons (1723) "the common people and a cat called fucking blue. It is a skin to make the fur business." Later (1735) appears in the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus, the Latin term Catus caeruleus (blue cat) considered a race other than the Angora cat and Spain. At this time, although it was recognized as a race, not enjoyed much luck, in addition to its use in leather goods for their prized fur similar to that of the otter, several texts animal denotes a butcher whose ultimate goal was a good stew. Until the twentieth century Carthusian does not become a pet. By 1925 in Belle-Île-en-Mer (Morbihan), sisters Léger excited by her beauty began a painstaking work of selecting and began breeding. The first samples, and Coquito Marquise, were collected by breeders, and free living in the area. From their union was born of Guerveur Mignonne in 1931 was named the cat more aesthetic of the exhibition of the Paris Club Cat. In 1939 he established the first standard and success of chartreux in cat shows continued uninterrupted until the 60's. At this time some farmers decided to limit inbreeding of their crosses and turned to the blood of the British Blue. Carthusian implications were dire, as it accumulates and traits of the endangered her british standard. But purists railed against the decision of the Fife to assimilate both races and in 1977, set a new standard for the Carthusian, separated two sources books and since 1989 prohibited any kind of miscegenation. In theory, the rules were clear on this point, but the evidence shows that things are not so easy in practice. The Chartreux is a very popular breed in the public who spontaneously appointment to designate any blue gray cat with short hair. The name of the British is still little used except in the circle of error felinocultura.Pero had been done and numerous hybrids, unfortunately, hardly perceptible, were used for breeding. Especially considering that some independent clubs continued mixing the two breeds to a very recent period. At present it is difficult to find pure Chartreux, very few farmers jealously preserved their race. Yet it is a cat that raises passions in both Europe and the United States and is considered the perfect image of the cat. Personalities such as the French writer Colette, and General de Gaulle have enjoyed the company of these precious cats.