Saturday, September 23, 2006

Reklama Baner Swietlny

Rudyard Kipling "The cat that walked just Federico García Lorca-

Sucedieron estos hechos que voy a contarte, oh, querido mío, cuando los animales household were wild. The Dog was wild, as were the Horse, Cow, Sheep and Pig, as wild as you can imagine, and roamed the wet and wild bush in the company of their wild relatives, but the wildest of all animals Jack was wild. The cat walked alone and did not mind being here or there.

Wild Man was also, of course. It was terribly wild. He did not begin until he met domesticated Women and she repudiated his untamed lifestyle. Women chose to sleep without a nice damp cave instead of a pile of wet leaves, and spread clean sand on the floor, lit a fire of wood the back of the cave and hung the skin of Wild Horse, with the tail down, on entry, then said:

-Wipe your feet before entering, from now on we will have a home.

That night, my dear, Wild ate lamb roasted on hot stones and seasoned with garlic and wild pepper, and Wild Duck stuffed with wild rice and wild fenugreek and cilantro, and marrow of wild oxen and wild cherries and pomegranates. Then, when Man fell asleep as happy as a child in front of the fire, the woman sat carding wool. He took a bone from the shoulder of lamb, great flat shoulder, saw the portentous signs which were in it, threw fuel to the fire and made a spell, the first song of the world Sorcery.

wet and wild in the woods, wild animals gathered in a place where they were able to see from afar the light of the fire and wondered what it might mean that.

Then Wild Horse stamped his hoof and said

"Oh, my friends and enemies, why have so large that light Man and Woman in the huge cave? How do we hurt ourselves? Wild Dog

lifted his nose, sniffed the aroma of roast lamb and said:

"I'm going there, I see everything and I find out what happens, and I will stay, I believe it is a good thing. Join me, Jack.

- No way! "Said the Cat. I am the Cat who walks alone and who does not mind being here or there. I will not go with you.

"Then we will never be friends," he added Wild Dog, and went trotting into the cave.

...//... To read the whole

El gato que caminaba solo