Friday, March 3, 2006

Premixed Ice Cream Mix

another cat, see also

Two great pictures, the first we see Borges with your cat Beppo (do not know the author). The text is Jorge Edwards. "And there around a fat cat, neutered, well fed, light colored (yellow, I thought, too, but an authorized witness just said I was white), which had a name of English Romanticism. If memory does not betray me, it was called Beppo, as Lord Byron cat. Someone told me that the cat had been owned by a daughter of the Corrientes and wearing short for a football player, Beno, Bob or something. Borges heard the name and exclaimed, delighted: Ah! Beppo, Byron cat ! He always had things to the mill of the literature and was smiling, thinking. There was no point, fortunately, out of reflection. The cat-colored, with abundant coat, could be called anything, but was baptized at the same moment as the Byronic Beppo. "
Borges y gato
The second photo is also beautiful (taken by Ulla Montan ). Talk Luis Tomassello , painter living in Paris who shared evenings with Cortázar.
"July also broke away from the house where he had buried his cat Adorno, spoken of much in his books. But his last cat buried in my garden Carol because when he became ill and died I brought with me. Christened July Franel because he was always rubbing against my legs. It was very strange: the kitten was fine, of course, he missed, but one day I realized I was sick and went to the vet though he died almost immediately. When I told her to July was very sad and told me it was the first of the three who died. And it was true. Carol died before the year and fifteen months. "
Cortázar y gato2


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