Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Infection Web Percing

Rui Fonte Goal In London, speaks Portuguese

2006. Steve Rowley, Arsenal manager ojadores he left for Portugal, especially Lisbon. A boy Luso is the goal. Steve Rowley days after return to London ... and would not do alone.

Rui Fonte Da Rocha was born on April 23, 1990 in Lisbon. Soon he joined the cadet team of Lisboetas and 16 years his name already sounded lusas outside the borders. It was Arsenal who get done with their services, beginning with an assignment for three years over which we n of 1.5 million pounds, assignment right now is in its last year but presumably extends as a permanent contract .

brother José Fontes, Crystal Palace central defender, Rui Fonte has been active in national team calls the lower category. In particular in the sub-16 and U-17. In his first season as a sub-18 Gunner El Niño get pleasantly surprised by the technical basis of goals, many of them starting from the midfielder. In his second season would become the team's top scorer with more than a dozen goals. Their debut did great performances in the reserves team and even reached his first team debut in the Carling . In his current campaign he scored 4 goals in the preseason Reserve Team and is currently managed 1 goal in 2 games bearing the Reserve League, both achieved in the defeat against Chelsea 2-3.

And it points to Rui Fonte great player. Sobradisimo technically has great qualities to succeed, though perhaps not at Arsenal. Players like Wilshire, Barazite, Fran Merida and Randall can eclipse. Very versatile player with speed, has features that allow it to play both medicampista, midfielder or striker, his last position being the natural site. Despite their skills is a player somewhat limited due to the vagueness of the passes and limited the bands play, which is lost with unnecessary dribbling. It has also been branded a selfish and pacifier . Despite his play as a striker it is interesting. Without being a striker, possesses an instinct born murderer in front of goal and a capacity to assemble the leg very quickly, which leads him to score many goals per season. It also has a very great intelligence in his movements, offering very great uncheck their pins, and a fairly wide range of shooting with both legs. You can even boast a very good in the air, therefore lowering the ball as the header, despite his 1.78 high.

real problem now is to win in the Arsenal, including first team debut in the league, but if you let it play will not leave anyone indifferent. If not, in Lisbon, Sporting Club awaits you with open arms.
including the Summary of the past Arsenal-Chelsea with a superb free-kick goal for Rui Fonte


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