Monday, August 21, 2006

Detritivores, Scavengers, And De

Jacques Prévert" The cat and the bird-

A desolate
people listen the song of a wounded bird.
is the only bird
people and is the only cat in the hat
puebloq has devoured half.
And the bird ceases to sing
stops purring cat
and smacking his nose.
And the people makes the bird
wonderful funeral.
And the cat you're invited
up behind the small coffin
straw where the dead bird is stretched
led by a little girl
not stop mourn.
If I knew why I was so sorry,
tells the cat, I would have
and then you had told
who had been flown
blow up the world's end
which is so far beyond
never returns. Your
had had less pain
just sadness and sorrow
Never do things by halves.


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