Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Raytheon Retirement Plan 2010

the cat Playing with the cat

Many people wonder how you can play with a cat. They believe that cats, unlike dogs, can not play or can not play with them. You just have to understand how the cat wants to play. Taking time and understanding are countless learning games cats and what they enjoy playing with their owners. And the owners with them. The basic game is hunting. And from there, all variants. It can be hunter or hunted, it can pursue prey, search, find, bring them, throw ... The game is very important for the cat. It is the only way to wear that energy you have left in abundance and stay healthy both physically and mentally. The game always reduces stress and helps to any behavior problem, whether to raise the self esteem of a scary cat, and to reduce the anxiety of a cat too nervous. Name examples for those unaware of the possibility of playing with your cat. Above all we must bear in mind that if you have not ever played with the cat, not only is the owner who must learn, but also own cat. So old and fat cat end playing with us, we just make a game interesting enough and tailored to the needs of each animal. The kittens play with ALL. They spend so phenomenal solos are chasing fluff balls and anything with a possibility of movement. Once you become more adult, about 18 or 24 months, no longer much fun to play alone. They need an incentive to be chasing an object. In a word, they get bored easily, being aware that they themselves have to move the toy to give "life." Therefore it is best to teach our cat to play with us, from the moment you acquire. Not only wear all that excess energy, it also creates a bond of friendship much stronger with the owner. A list of examples, for those willing to have fun with your cat (which we hope will be the majority): Guidelines

prey (with or without refund): The mice hair, or hair rubber balls, cloth mice ... and why not, a simple ball of paper. As soon as we launch, chase the cat jumping the obstacles encountered and taking her in the mouth take it somewhere (for "top"), or as often happens, we will bring it back. This last little detail, is to thank because if not, we end up getting up to pick "the dam." If you prefer to take it must let you enjoy your trophy and not removing it, until you ask. Yes, I asked for them, looking into his eyes and sitting in front of the toy. Trying to teach the cat to approach you and deposit at your feet, telling him how well he has every time I get. There are fast learning cats. Our cat get exercise without leaving the couch.

Interactive Game: this time we have to participate actively. We refer to all the toys designed as a fishing rod, with all sorts of objects in the end. Obviously we can develop us toy, but traded them a rod of hard plastic, slightly flexible, which is very comfortable. The object will end in this case "the dam." Cats prey perfectly differentiated from another. Although for us is almost the same move the pen, the ball on the end, our cat will be something very different. It is not the same as a mouse than a bird, or insect than a snake. All these animals are potential prey. The owner depends on that the game is to catch a butterfly or a mouse. The movements of an animal or another are completely different and getting to imitate an animal or another, we will give your cat the opportunity to hunt around, but at home. It is really important to act as a dam. No mouse or bird in his right mind would dance in front of a cat or restregaría down his face ... this discourages the cat, rather disorienting him, and he does not understand the behavior so bold that supposed prey. This is the mistake made most often and the reason why many owners claim that your cat does not like jugar.Se can hide the toy behind the leg of the sofa, chairs, slide around corners or sticking to the wall, moving slowly and stopping suddenly, as if guarding ... The birds and insects make short flights and perch in high places as the backup the chair. The snakes slither quickly instead crawling along the ground.

use your imagination and remember: Vary the type of toy preferences observe each cat hunting Alternate fast and slow motion Let the prey is hidden so the cat can plan the attack Let the cat catch his prey Reduce action when the game reaches the end (yes, dams at the end, sadly died recently) Allow the cat to play with the latest catch
recommend saving these toys with cords or elastic cords in a safe place when not playing with the cat, to prevent be ingested and cause a severe intestinal blockage. Most of the time the cat knows that place are those wonderful toys and literally ask their owners to play with them.

Hideaway: only our presence can be a perfect game for our cat. Does anyone remember that game for children called the English hiding? Most cats quickly learn to haunt us as we hide behind a corner and call them. Stealthy approach, are paralyzed when we look out to avoid being seen and re-close as they do not look. The game usually ends as soon give us a cake with your hand and run off to pursue them. And again it starts from the beginning. Let's see who gets tired before ...

paper bags, cardboard boxes: making small holes in a cardboard box and hiding a toy that makes noise in stimulating their curiosity. The cats love to climb on all sides, put the legs in any hole ...

Play with our hands: This is the most common way that people (mostly male) understood the game, and just like always with an owner scratched or bitten screaming too loud, and the cat running scared or stored energy still left wanting to end this "hunting." These cats do not usually control While the bite force and not always hide their nails. The game itself is not counterproductive, as the animal that is accustomed to distinguish well that this is a game, and there is aggressive behavior per se. But we think the game is not appropriate because the cat will play well with everyone, no matter who is an elderly person or child. Each time you play, the game starts with an 'attack' to us and the pain tolerance of a bite or scratch is not equal for everyone! Not only does exercising animal to GDP, but also to use his tricks predator, that all cats have instinctively.

Playing Time: Of course all the time you want to spend. But keep in mind that cats are not animals to be prepared for a prolonged physical exercise, but rather for sprinting, jumping, seizures ... meetings of 10 or 20 minutes are usually more than enough, depending on the condition physical animal. Please do not try to claim that a cat is obese for 20 minutes chasing a toy, and you can give a breakdown! Nor that a larger animal gets to jump juggling the shelves. It is clear that we must adapt the game to the characteristics of each animal.

Number of sessions: All that they want, up to 15 or 20 times can kill a cat every day. But as a general rule, your cat will be quite happy if they spend one or two sessions per day. Toys

recommended: Any toy marketed for cats, our cat likes balls of toilet paper rolls cork stoppers of bottles of water sprigs of fruit trees (no fertilizer) Paper bags bathrobe belt. .. Dangerous toys: Toys

cats than for any potentially toxic product Rubber Bands (danger of being eaten) Sewing thread (hazard ingestion) Wool Cord (risk of ingestion) Plastic bags sharp objects (choking hazard)
P. Calleja Alfaro


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