Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Fertile Post Chemical Pregnancy?


I've been on tour more than two hours to be here and meet my dear doctor appointment. I occupied the front of the vehicle in which I came with another passenger and the driver in the back seat came three men, nearly everyone was asleep or reading the press, or who were thinking know why ... the man driving was separated from me by one who was asleep, I for my part, I preferred to go in the booth giving useful travel times, is very important for me not to waste my time.
the beginning came count the fragmented parts of the line that divides the left channel right channel, then I lost my mind when my thoughts began to lucubrations things in relation to the length and breadth of these fragments, and the possibility of equality for size, color, shape and timing of them. Thinking along these lines
fragmented me good, count it as a prayer space, is a mystical experience as I have reached impressive sums, I counted up to figures that you do not believe ... you know? I found that some quantities have to know.
I also confess that I have often made the same journey, sometimes to tell the other to count lines and spaces between them. SECOND

Today I also from early dawn, ready to undertake the work of the day, my dear doctor. It is important for me to get up at about 6 am, because when night falls I seem to have lived longer and I have more experience ... of course it would be okay except for my torment.
I explain I do not know if you understand, I do not know their cause, although I imagine it must be because of something that happened when I was a child, perhaps overprotection.
effect or rather the result is lots of little squares of paper one inch by one inch, all cut out for me these days that I spent at my parents, all squares have been measured esdtos for me and cut out for me ... I feel I do not know if you understand a doctor, but once cut lose interest in them, because what interests me is the action of trim. Now they huddle around and call me and use me, I know I'm criticized for not giving a reason for their existence, a reason for living. THIRD

been a while looking at a man on the street next to me, repeated his act again and again no matter who looked, he tried to take his mind off something he stood up, or hat, or a bird or hands, would I be? He saw that and felt something on his head doctor, then I remembered a man I met years ago in another city, which was writing on the floor, on the street, sidewalk, with a piece of brick, with chalk, lemon zest, or a coal and to a sum endless ... 0 +0 +0 +0 zero plus zero plus zero plus zero, 0 +0 +0 +0 zero plus zero plus zero plus zero 0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0.
also I saw many writings on the floor in other cities, warning us of many things, among them was that I found out that the churches were using ultraviolet light to alter the volud of men and even knew a dog had bitten the hand of his own master, because NTAD these rays, with time and walking down the same streets I found the author of those letters, I met the author of view of those "messages" ... old and with a sort of wagon full of dogs, he be provided with a brush and white paint to touch up your mashed ... This was written in Milan city of Italy my dear doctor.
I've said things and you know, I had thoughts of master and the pen I have written on the soles of my shoes. I remember once I wrote in the sole of my left shoe named after a dog.
I also had a dog doctor.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Write A Letter Of Interest For A Soroity

Killer The Return of Doctor

Killer The Return of Doctor
Elixir of opinion with Real.
The city was known as "The Son of Doctor Murderer" ...

The most sophisticated referred to him as "Doctor Killer", but everyone in town knew him as "The Doctor's Son Murderer" ... Well, actually if he was the son of the famous "Doctor", but never in his life he and his father had killed anyone, although people the day after drinking concoctions literally felt like dying. Living dead were a mouse, with a hangover and head explode with the worst migraine ever had in your life, but after a while, after a couple of aspirin, once and passed fit and pain, were of again lining up in front of his house to buy more of these exotic liquors.
Era preparing expert "Donkey Milk" using evaporated milk and sugar cane liquor clear, and doing all the "guarapita" that one could imagine, mixing white rums and brandies cocuy of cane stalk with poncigués, cashew, mamey, mint, cinnamon branches, star anise, chamomile flowers, tropical fruits and brown sugar lots of newsprint.
His punch was famous, richer than the "Ponche Crema de Heliodoro Gonzalez" and that "the Pope Ron Mexico" together was nothing to put into practice the recipe to give him to many years now, Dona Francisca Borjas, " Doña Pancha "in San Fernando de Apure. (The same lady Apureña, that he had in his house an alligator, with all teeth in 24-carat gold ...) punch made with goat's milk, very hot, yellow duck eggs, rum aged in oak barrels, seeds grated nutmeg, brown sugar, condensed milk and brown sugar, which he called "The Grandmother Pancha punch." Truly was named
Channels and all his childhood friends called him by his name, and had always been, until the business began alchemical inherited from his father and has since started calling him "The Doctor's Son Murderer", because that physician from whom he inherited the nickname was none other than the famous inventor of homemade liqueurs, who taught him from childhood, the business and everything he knew about alchemy ... "Dr. Killer."
They were in the back of their home shelves and shelves full of glass bottles, barrels, stills, barrels of mud, wood and glass, pipes, wire, tin and copper.
They used to cut lemon juice blends and American Maizina, the corn flour was already a national pride, to give body and join the pasta. They took distilled water and glacial alcoholates, and made of thyme, rose and orange blossom ... They had this great gift of knowing the exact point the right dose, the perfect touch to the mixtures, the exact amount for each ingredient, such as Truman Capote said, "This gift is like a whip God gave them."
They used hundreds of herbs, roots, tubers, rhizomes, stems, seeds, bark and leaves ... all were hanging from the roof of his house, next to orchids, bromeliads and aloe plants.
pots in the kitchen, very well labeled were the coriander, oregano, pepper, bay leaves to the chickens for the pot, the malojillo, grass pangola, the nightshade, Pica pica, cumin, Arab pine nuts and vine leaves. Then there were the weathered wood packaging, pleasant aroma, full of nuts, dried apples, dates, prunes, of dried apricots, guava helmets of grapefruit slices of diced papaya, grapes beach, bananas past tip of sun parched, and figs come from the city of "Bergamo Città Alta", Italy.
But what they called their "Chamber of Secrets" was really the envy of the alchemists and the key point of this story, because in that place zealously guarded its most precious ingredients, those that gave point to their Spirits were really something special ... If you were really a person you trust, a real friend, a former client or patient, only then lowered your with them the steep spiral staircase to a kind of basement, including a support and a empalagante smell of alcohol and flowers ... then the pupils are dilated you could see the magical treasure enclosed the crypt. There were the mysterious stills with gimped tin pipes, from which came the most exotic and amazing spirits, bottles and bottles were kept in complete darkness, lit only by a purple light bulb, the so-called black light. In this place preserved and macerated the leaves for more horny cocuy the Mexican mezcal, there were maguey worms, shells banana, apple seeds, the guava of Peru, brought from Spain saffron, poppy brought from China, Turkey snuff leaves, petals of flowers, cayenne, horn e'ciervo, cannabis resin sativa, bonsai ginger, chile piquin, chile chipotle, mustard powder, tamarind powder, chili Chirel, the flowers of Jamaica, Brazil nuts, dried eggs, iguana's Hicacos bread stick, magnet stones, quartz, amber and under the bell jar, in a box made of oak, treasured the precious "real opinion", the tiny grass discovered that only small deer in the jungle and that very few humans had access ... Believe it or not, they had the nuances, the guarded and treasured with great zeal in his cellar, brought to his lab from the very heart of the Amazon, the magical "opinion" ... From that experts said was the secret of eternal youth and blood brother of the philosopher's stone.
"The Son of Doctor Murderer" to tell us stories about cunning and patience that had to have the one who was behind this miraculous herb, usually a primitive warrior of these ethnic groups inhabiting the Venezuelan Amazon rain forest, a Yanomami a man was Panare ... to follow the steps to a small hairy deer horns and mottled skin for an entire morning. Very patiently waited in silence until the dawn, as this little plant is only at that time and then when the fawn was sniffing among the plants and give the coveted 'Real Opinion "should immediately shout loudly to scare away the animal and directed to take his fingers from the popular and small herb that has a tiny purple flower, hurriedly took it to the "Chabon" for the "Piache" prepare with it the magic liquor, the amazing spirit called 'Opinion Liquor Real " , and so along with the other members the tribe, to drink and communicate with their "Hecuras" with their ancestors and the spirits of the forest.
Now that a full moon, my friend the photographer Nelson Garrido gave me taste of that magical elixir that brought in one of his trips to the city of Valencia, prepared with great care for himself "Son of Doctor Murderer", that liquor makes clear the mind, which occurs in those who take "Altered States of Consciousness" and cause us as "truth serum" that disinhibition that allows all naked and say what they really feel without any gag ... We took a few sips more of the "opinion" and we got in a car in Caracas due to the state of Yaracuy Garrido photographer, sculptor Carlos Quintana and me ... So we traveled three and did these stories along the way ... Three hours of "Double Journey" which appeared three days ... Three of three, three by three.
Carlos Quintana is who tells us that the billionaire industrialist Nelson Rockandfellar in his autobiography "My Life Like a Dream" (Book, which Quintana had read a few days ago) recounted how a severe storm of pink frogs fell into an opportunity on a golf course on his estate "Sacro Monte" on the outskirts of the city of Valencia, Carabobo State Venezuela. This was a rain of frogs the size of a coin of 25 cents Venezolanos (In half) that crashed on John Lennon, Yoko Ono and on about me, Mr. Rockandfellar said, "We could not believe what we saw, we were walking by the hacienda, golf courses, taking liquor "Real Opinion" when suddenly it started raining heavily and we realized that besides water, some jumping over our heads ... There were hundreds of frogs falling, alive and jumping on the grass and in this village near the Laguna de Tacarigua, John danced with joy and Yoko emitting shrill cries and screams loud unbearable in those "three minutes a timeless eternity "as Frank Zappa would say ... That was in February 1971, when the rain that day, the flood almost fell on the heads of the assistants of the farm labor as well as on employers, and a pair of musicians dressed in white ... The torrential rain also brought thousands of tiny water frogs pink and bulging black eyes.
The Curious atmospheric event was then investigated by members of "The Nature Conservation", who arrived in the United States that same afternoon in a plane that landed at the private airport finances and confirmed for the scientific community stunned the world, yes frogs had fallen with the rain, they came from the Sahara and had been driven by strong "Trade Winds", the red sand that covered the fields seeded, white Arabian horses and the houses in the area could confirm this hypothesis ... But Carlos Quintana insist on the idea that frogs were actually launched from a flying saucer ... He told us that the cause of these rains frogs were the crew of alien ships, saucers, UFOs, UFO throwing outside those ships to the animal species that had already studied and returned them to the ground and, where previously had taken ... Guauuu!! Some parishioners and laborers
assured that apart from John Lennon and Yoko Ono, were also in the rain: Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Eric Clapton, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page and Ringo Star ... But this was not true, and though they swore by the Holy Cross, we know that these things are typical of Real Opinion.
All afternoon and evening came to the tent of "Son of Doctor Murderer", young men of the people to take the "guarapita" passion fruit, tangerine and guarana aphrodisiac liquor, women came to take away the punch cream coffee liqueur, old came through the liquor "Babandí" the "Yohimbine" and the "Crush", called by many the "Natural Viagra", the "Break Mattress" or "Parapipe" ... came also the youngest of the famous and magnificent black and bitter beer, and a another child also came for his bottle of maltenes, that dark beer sweetened with a sweet made of burnt sugar.
Many people asked the "Doctor" by the magical liquor of the "opinion", but he sold them, save preferred customers only "insiders" and his friends ... only for very special people indeed.
The home of the "Son of Doctor Murderer", the dwelling place of Mr. Canales, was at the corner of the stone e'tranca in the Cocuicitas, near the Plaza on July 5 and the Glorieta de San Blas, Valencia del Rey ... and it was easy to find because it was always painted white very clean, because their electric blue door of the "Yves Klein Blue" was always open and that people were always there, standing in line. Channels
one afternoon after selling the second bottle of "Real Opinion" to Garrido, would ask for the life of millionaire industrialist and smiling that foreign couple who wore immaculate white; Nelson remembering, would secure the Doctor, that the day after the rain of frogs and also in his private plane, Mr. Rockandfellar, English and Japanese, went to the village of Guama, the rural population in the State Yaracuy, on that trip that seems crazy but I had a reason. They attended a "cockpit" to a "hitching post" to see a fight clandestine own Roman circus, a melee, the fight to the death between a bull and an Amazonian jaguar, Garrido told Canales that he took many photos of the event where a very angry giant black bull was put in a large cage and another gate was introduced after a jaguar in the Amazon ... The photographer recalls the fury of combat, penca cocuy who took on the event, betting millionaire and the blood running suits and splashed the audience.
But who won the fight? I would ask "The Doctor's Son" just at the moment when he served in a small glass cup a little liquor "opinion." He won the jaguar, the tiger won ... the bull ended with broken neck and right there in front of all the hungry jaguar began to eat to the bone, the cat also injured, was gored by the whole body, had lost an eye and blood was mixed with the up ... still ate it all, leaving only the bones in the middle of the land ... Oh, God ... The horror!! And the industrial
and Lennon and The Yoko? Distressed ask Quintana.
He was not sure at what time they left them, their eyes were on the terrible, bloody battle ... It was truly a spectacle shocking and full of blood, much blood And what happened with Jagger, Bowie, Clapton , Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page and Ringo Star? Asked a young lady with teeth can and very nosy I heard the story with eyes open and this big. Coooooño
were not, they do not vinieroooon to Yaracuuuuuy !!!!!! sure that they, they went that day, the concert of "Led Zeppelin" in the Maddison Square Garden in New York, eager to hear him play "Stairway to Heaven" ... But in Guama, I assure you that NO estuvierooooon !!!!!!
One thing is certain, we Garrido said as he placed his cup white background ... When John was asked by customs at the JFK airport in New York by the bloodstains on his immaculate white suit, was never told of blood of a bull and a jaguar, nor said what stained his shoulders, were the traces of pink frogs fell from the sky; if he said he had spotted a little seed "annatto" and when the guards asked him about the bottle of liquor that she had, he replied that it was a good Ron Venezuelan friends and pa ` was and let him enter the city that never sleeps. Of course it was another time and that nobody would imagine that really what carried the Lennon, it was a full liter of this "Elixir Amazon," prepared by himself "Son of Doctor Murderer" in Valencia ... I thought to share with Liquor his friends when he returned from the trip ... Though Lennon never shared, then took the elixir to his apartment in Central Park and used it to start celebrating, write and compose this wonderful piece that then the title "Imagine", that wonderful song in which he asked people to imagine that there were no boundaries that divide countries, that there was nothing to kill or anything because he died, there were no religious wars or not ... besides pointing something he considered important and was in his final reflection, also in the same song: "Maybe you think that I am a dreamer but I'm not alone and hope also you'll join us. " Lennon undoubtedly right in the "astral travel" is a man confess a lot of faith rather than a dreamer.

You may say I `ma dreamer
But I` m Not the Only One
I hope someday you `ll join us And the world
will live as one

That was another time, doubts have now disappeared so things about our beloved Valencia del Rey, in this city that no longer even have memories! Bullring disappeared "Sands of Valencia", disappeared the soda fountain "The Cubanito", "House Lux" Zerpa Malpica brothers, "The store owned by Don José" and "The supply of Don Jesus, sale toast of the popular "Perecito" and the laboratory alchemist where they experienced the "Doctor" and his son ... And when one speaks to the younger generation of "Doctor Murderer", few people know what is spoken ... Nobody knows anything, nobody remembers anything or anyone really interested in anything, everything has been forgotten ... The younger or learn from our recent past in this city with no memory ... and realized death the father, much less his son's death, nothing reminiscent of those heady potion alchemists once, since the two took their secret recipes with them, beyond.
grandparents say that fifty years after the death of Dr. Killer " his body must be removed from the cemetery to the Naguanagua Bejuma to be buried in the same place where he was of his son, that afternoon at about 4, opened the grave and the coffin was found to the surprise of all the ashes and bones grays, a language movement as a whole, pink and fresh as if she was alive ... It was the language of "Doctor Killer" father of the "Son of Doctor Murderer", this was taken immediately to Cathedral of Valencia and from there, Cardinal Quintero sent directly to the holy Pope of Rome, where since then, kept in a glass jar in the museum of the Vatican City.
If by chance some day one of you has the opportunity and going to visit Italy, be sure to visit this museum, enter the left wing in the "Pavilion of Modern Religious Art" (Created in 1973 by Paul VI and is located in the breaks Borgia) . There, you can see, in the showcase home golden "Santas Thousand Tongues" ... It is next to the language too vivid pink and Portuguese Santo, San Antonio de Padua and has a label that identifies it as "Holy Tongue Dr. Canales Venezuela "..." The Language of Doctor Killer ", the magical language of these mutants Santos. The two languages \u200b\u200bseem
fat Mezcal worms, "Gold Fishs" or rather, two fish, "Beta" swimming in circles, each in its container in an aquarium next to each other and willing to fight a duel to the death at any time.
Every year in the month of July, thousands of pilgrims from the most diverse places on the planet, who will see and revere this "living language," "The Holy Tongue," which is displayed in the museum. They love it, we light candles, we are present and pray in front of her ...
addition, there are now many miracles and healings attributed to him "Doctor Killer" after his death ... They say it appears to midnight sick people when the moon is full and it does to heal them of their ailments, they say that the place where it appears his "Anima", glows with a green light that glows in the dark like a hologram, that the site is covered white flowers, is filled with music and a strong aroma permeates the elixir of "Real Opinion" ... and
But that is another story.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Tissue Type Anchors And Packages Organs

Another day had ended, this time took the time to go to the bathroom to take a touch and then queuing up to await the bus, tuned to your favorite station and settled headset to talk to strangers and you will interrupt the tranquility of the world.

was thankful that his path was not so congested and sometimes had the good fortune of choosing a job, so with a glance swept the bus, his eyes stopped on a chair in the right corner (the most striking, that he liked, perhaps because it reminded those rides he did in his childhood), was occupied and who was there was held staring at her, she was intimidated, felt insecure and quickly sat in the front seat she found.
played down the issue but when you get off the bus was impossible not to look back that look, was gone, he felt good and kept going.
The situation was repeated for several weeks and had become a game of looks electrifying a challenge that always ended with a smile. The morning had changed and took more time selecting what clothes to use, she told herself that she was part of the preparation for war and every day before leaving his office looked into the mirror more attention to detail in especially their lips, which wore lipstick and highlight your smile and if you lose. Then found to lose so it was fun, rose quickly to the bus, took a deep breath, looking for that look that made her feel insecure but still alive, once the blush but now encouraged and so each day looking for a nearest chair to the right corner and sit in it, but not before asserting their crimson lips.
Daily and courage in trying to reach the last row of the bus, wanted to see about that smile, smile for a while there was also dressed in lipstick and smelling of mint expected and did yours. The furthest he had reached one of his attempts to take her to the left corner, despite having no one else in the last chair his shyness prevented him from getting a little closer, but there we could see more of what I needed and dared to think that the sweet smell coming from his body perceived, but her shyness did not prevent the devouring eyes while trying to decrease your desire with a smile.

A new day began and the daring of the previous day encouraged to create an opportunity to say a hello, that I was sure would take further.
In the morning the phone rang, I wanted to confirm their data, had won a car, just needed to get to the offices of the supermarket, fill out some papers and take his gift.

left earlier that day from his office, took a taxi in the city since two smiles stopped crimson dress.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stimulation For 4 Week Old

He never forgave me TORITO

He never forgave me

I entered his room and found him with high heels of his wife modeling in the mirror ... mariquísimo.

He never forgave me

I went to his room and found him hiding practicing dancing alone in the footsteps of "Asereje".

He never forgave me

I went to his room and found him naked with his whole body full of Vaseline and only with cowboy boots on.

He never forgave me

I went to his room and found him hugging a pillow tucked under his bed smoking.

He never forgave me

Heavy Hor Dourves Wedding Reception


Carlos Zerpa

My mom says that the mushrooms they sell in the supermarket are fungi, which are artificial, says my friend Beto while eating at home in Mitla in Mexico. This soup that you are taking is made with mushrooms that we pick ourselves in this sacred mountain you see in front, let the whole family once a year and keep them frozen for use during the 12 months remaining, these fungi we Zapotecos , the BE call.
With separate lunch of delicious soup, also ate turkey in a yellow mole of chiles, homemade corn tortillas and had a pitcher of water crushed leaves of lemon.
finished lunch and while we took a good reposado mezcal on the floor sat a while to rest for lunch and see the beautiful and majestic mountain in front of us.
I told Bob that I saw at the foot of the mountain a large rock purple, almost purple smiling ... Then my friend told me that not everyone could see the color of the stones, but if it had shades of violet on the same mountain is a little-known petrified waterfall filled their purple stone feet ... and I was going to tell the story of those big stones because they were actually purple portals. Within this mountain
many people live in a parallel universe, many of the villagers who disappeared mysteriously live in, as well as many of those who died can be found there.
Mr. Gonzalez was well liked in the village but people said I was a bit crazy, talking to aliens who saw ghosts and spoke of strange things, he claimed he could go to the mountain through the purple rock, which had been chosen and why things revealed to him that mountain and into learning things.
The Gonzalez case was out one morning magically disappear, move heaven and earth but nobody could find him and when the family returned to see was a week later, then he said no was gone a week if not a one evening or on the contrary said that he had spent a year inside the mountain and had only gone an hour.
A fellow childhood and youth was Manuel Gonzales Fernandez, had become powerful and livestock rich landowner, a cowboy who wore leather boots rattlesnake, his cowboy hat and mastery of his white horse on which walked through the town strutting and showing off with girls.
Fernandez from his horse in the middle of the square opposite the church before the whole town told Gonzalez with a fucking smile on his lips and haughty voice was a liar, which is the passing of vague without doing nothing and making up that string of shit to fool the people, To which Gonzalez answered with a direct challenge: "Let's see you give it your Chingon and being the father of Mitla compadre more, see if you dare and come with me into the mountain to remove him bully you, fucking asshole. "
And so, the next day at five o'clock in the morning, the two friends, the two men walked alone to the foot of the mountain, they stopped at the large purple rock and put the palms of their left hands on the cold stone, remained silent and zassssssss!! The rock split in two, a strong light and reflectors left inside the mountain and without stepping inside of it were already in the midst of a long zoom.
Within the sound was like music and had many people waiting, Manuel acknowledged the face of many who once lived in the village who greeted him and who had disappeared, many girls were running around happy as hoses and other race, family and men who had died long skinny and he smiled. Pass
view without speaking with his right hand on the butt of his revolver, Colt 45, when he saw on a flat stone and a raging bull huge purple, black, instead of fire or had horns rather than their horns were candela , which was fastened in the neck by a rope noose was not a rope made of more than 30 rattlesnakes to bite each other, were attached to their tails, and formed a rope.
González Fernández told that since he was king of the rodeo, quesi was as brave as Jorge Negrete, who rode the bull and see if tamed and he did. Suddenly
rode and felt his legs were fused with the bull and was really stuck, as a soldier, attached the animal, an intense cold to the bone while it was attached to the hairs of the bull's neck and his mouth was in rictus, a Purple smoke enveloped him, the sky full of stars on her head galactic journey which enveloped him as he traveled about space to another. It was as if it disappeared in one place and appreciate another, was inside the mountain and it will soon be over, riding in the middle of the river, running uphill, felling trees and prone to standing on a rock kilometers away, a village square to another square, a popular market in a ethnic fair, Monte Alban in Oaxaca, a Cuilapan Zaachila of Mitla Zegache ... I was paralyzed from the fear and awe, the animal horns of fire lit the way, the strong smell of the skin of the bull he got into the nostrils as if deer horn, snake boots deslazos disappeared and feet felt the earth, water, boil the animal passage, besieged as knives ice entering her chest and when he opened his eyes he was lying in the backyard watching the stars.
Mr. Gonzalez has not been heard, say it was to live forever inside the mountain. Manuel Fernandez De
people said that something had happened on that mountain that morning, he no longer left the house, or walking in his white horse, or courting girls in the square.
walked thoughtfully, head bowed in silence around and around on his ranch without speaking to anyone, and did not wear boots if no sandals, ate little and was locked in his room before nightfall to leave late in the morning when it was sunny.
Her hair was not black and curl if not smooth and furrowed gray.
On October 11 of that year at 4 in the morning awoke with a start, a strong odor of musk is slipped through the nostrils, looked out her window and saw the big black bull flaming horns grazing in your yard The animal also looked at him and practically look Calvo.
Bartolo says, the foreman of the ranch saw its pattern very early in the morning was mounted on a huge bull that jumped the fence of the house on the animal to go at full gallop toward the mountain Zapotec.
never heard of Fernandez, was as if the earth swallowed him, or rather the mountain.
the bull if you have seen some at dawn in the fog as it approaches the month of December, walking down the slopes of the mountain or standing still on the enormous rock dwelling, but no one comes close, you know ... by respect to the great Toro Bravo, the "Yuuse Nadushu."