Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Heavy Hor Dourves Wedding Reception


Carlos Zerpa

My mom says that the mushrooms they sell in the supermarket are fungi, which are artificial, says my friend Beto while eating at home in Mitla in Mexico. This soup that you are taking is made with mushrooms that we pick ourselves in this sacred mountain you see in front, let the whole family once a year and keep them frozen for use during the 12 months remaining, these fungi we Zapotecos , the BE call.
With separate lunch of delicious soup, also ate turkey in a yellow mole of chiles, homemade corn tortillas and had a pitcher of water crushed leaves of lemon.
finished lunch and while we took a good reposado mezcal on the floor sat a while to rest for lunch and see the beautiful and majestic mountain in front of us.
I told Bob that I saw at the foot of the mountain a large rock purple, almost purple smiling ... Then my friend told me that not everyone could see the color of the stones, but if it had shades of violet on the same mountain is a little-known petrified waterfall filled their purple stone feet ... and I was going to tell the story of those big stones because they were actually purple portals. Within this mountain
many people live in a parallel universe, many of the villagers who disappeared mysteriously live in, as well as many of those who died can be found there.
Mr. Gonzalez was well liked in the village but people said I was a bit crazy, talking to aliens who saw ghosts and spoke of strange things, he claimed he could go to the mountain through the purple rock, which had been chosen and why things revealed to him that mountain and into learning things.
The Gonzalez case was out one morning magically disappear, move heaven and earth but nobody could find him and when the family returned to see was a week later, then he said no was gone a week if not a one evening or on the contrary said that he had spent a year inside the mountain and had only gone an hour.
A fellow childhood and youth was Manuel Gonzales Fernandez, had become powerful and livestock rich landowner, a cowboy who wore leather boots rattlesnake, his cowboy hat and mastery of his white horse on which walked through the town strutting and showing off with girls.
Fernandez from his horse in the middle of the square opposite the church before the whole town told Gonzalez with a fucking smile on his lips and haughty voice was a liar, which is the passing of vague without doing nothing and making up that string of shit to fool the people, To which Gonzalez answered with a direct challenge: "Let's see you give it your Chingon and being the father of Mitla compadre more, see if you dare and come with me into the mountain to remove him bully you, fucking asshole. "
And so, the next day at five o'clock in the morning, the two friends, the two men walked alone to the foot of the mountain, they stopped at the large purple rock and put the palms of their left hands on the cold stone, remained silent and zassssssss!! The rock split in two, a strong light and reflectors left inside the mountain and without stepping inside of it were already in the midst of a long zoom.
Within the sound was like music and had many people waiting, Manuel acknowledged the face of many who once lived in the village who greeted him and who had disappeared, many girls were running around happy as hoses and other race, family and men who had died long skinny and he smiled. Pass
view without speaking with his right hand on the butt of his revolver, Colt 45, when he saw on a flat stone and a raging bull huge purple, black, instead of fire or had horns rather than their horns were candela , which was fastened in the neck by a rope noose was not a rope made of more than 30 rattlesnakes to bite each other, were attached to their tails, and formed a rope.
González Fernández told that since he was king of the rodeo, quesi was as brave as Jorge Negrete, who rode the bull and see if tamed and he did. Suddenly
rode and felt his legs were fused with the bull and was really stuck, as a soldier, attached the animal, an intense cold to the bone while it was attached to the hairs of the bull's neck and his mouth was in rictus, a Purple smoke enveloped him, the sky full of stars on her head galactic journey which enveloped him as he traveled about space to another. It was as if it disappeared in one place and appreciate another, was inside the mountain and it will soon be over, riding in the middle of the river, running uphill, felling trees and prone to standing on a rock kilometers away, a village square to another square, a popular market in a ethnic fair, Monte Alban in Oaxaca, a Cuilapan Zaachila of Mitla Zegache ... I was paralyzed from the fear and awe, the animal horns of fire lit the way, the strong smell of the skin of the bull he got into the nostrils as if deer horn, snake boots deslazos disappeared and feet felt the earth, water, boil the animal passage, besieged as knives ice entering her chest and when he opened his eyes he was lying in the backyard watching the stars.
Mr. Gonzalez has not been heard, say it was to live forever inside the mountain. Manuel Fernandez De
people said that something had happened on that mountain that morning, he no longer left the house, or walking in his white horse, or courting girls in the square.
walked thoughtfully, head bowed in silence around and around on his ranch without speaking to anyone, and did not wear boots if no sandals, ate little and was locked in his room before nightfall to leave late in the morning when it was sunny.
Her hair was not black and curl if not smooth and furrowed gray.
On October 11 of that year at 4 in the morning awoke with a start, a strong odor of musk is slipped through the nostrils, looked out her window and saw the big black bull flaming horns grazing in your yard The animal also looked at him and practically look Calvo.
Bartolo says, the foreman of the ranch saw its pattern very early in the morning was mounted on a huge bull that jumped the fence of the house on the animal to go at full gallop toward the mountain Zapotec.
never heard of Fernandez, was as if the earth swallowed him, or rather the mountain.
the bull if you have seen some at dawn in the fog as it approaches the month of December, walking down the slopes of the mountain or standing still on the enormous rock dwelling, but no one comes close, you know ... by respect to the great Toro Bravo, the "Yuuse Nadushu."


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