Friday, October 6, 2006

Sending A Letter After A Miscarriage

Blogger Vs Wordpress Cat

seems that everything is a little harder than I thought ... The transfer of posts from Blogger to Wordpress I'm not sure why not just rular, but should. Wordpress Adsense not allowed if not subject to making a plugin, and do not know if that is possible in the free version (insert a plug for someone who is a handyman in the electronic computing is a very complicated task.)
I do not know ... currently almost will double posts ... I've heard that Google will sometimes detect these events and can lower the pagerank, but I think the level that I do not think it too important ...

Kathy Van Zeeland Luggage, Discontinued Patterns

We have moved to wordpress (we're at it):

Nuestro primer post avoga por la internacionalización...

The Cat
The name broadly applied to carnivorous mammals constituting the family Felidae, and specifically to the domestic cat, Felis catus. The wild cats: l ion , tiger , and leopard are anatomically very similar to each another and constitute the genus Panthera, which also includes the jaguar and the snow leopard. The clouded leopard, Neofelis, cheetah , Acinonyx, jaguar, Panthera onca, are big cats that do not roar.
The medium-sized and small cats are classified by zoologists in varying numbers of generating, But They Are present at all put in the single genus Felis, the large variation Despit Among Them. These cats include the puma (or cougar), the lynx (Including the bobcat), the ocelot, the jaguarundi, the serval, Also Many small species Described by the name cat or wildcat s, such as the golden cat and European wildcat, as well as the domestic cat.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Why Do Hp Laptops Not Take Pro Duo Memory Cards

The Legend of Maneki Neko Hello Kitty

Legend greater or less in the seventeenth century and that the temple at that time was a very poor and that economic conditions were terrible in the region and just and the monk who looked after the temple had to eat, but always took care to separate some food, the little that had, to give to your cat Tama.
One day a great storm hit the region and a lot of money man called Naokata-Li was lost in the downpour, to avoid water shelter under a tree ... abruptly from the rain he saw the figure of a cat with its paw raised seemed to be by "flagging", and invited to follow the strange man with the attitude of the cat got up from his refuge in the tree to better see the cat, up when lightning struck the tree and split in two, if he had been under no doubt would have died, Tama had saved his life. Thanked
showered man riquzas Tama and the temple and its owner and not go hungry or cold, to end his days where he was buried with honors at the temple in his honor Goutukuji and the figurine was created Maneki Neko or "beckoning cat." Considered a symbol of good fortune and prosperity, hence most of the shops in Japan have this kitty and many big companies have adopted it as a corporate.
powers are said to vary Maneki of color that is so for example black is to ward off evil spirits, gold for money, pink for love, etc.
The temple is now so popular that tourists visiting Tokyo does not leave to go to see it (is located on the outskirts of the city). Purchasing a Maneki is inevitable there are even great collectors of this nice cat whose image is in figures, shirts, glasses and almost everything imaginable. The temple and the shrine of this temple was built by the Tokugawa Shoguns who were at the time of the ancient Japanese emperors. The temple has a gigantic bell that says that the sound attracts the spirits of cats.
Source: Between Cats

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Bill Of Sale Alberta Trailer Free

Via Wikipedia

Hello Kitty (ハロー キティ, Harōkiti?) Is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, and has long been the most popular of this company. The character is an anthropomorphic cat-shaped white and very geometric, with a distinctive ribbon or other decoration on her left ear. Since 1976 he obtained copyright and is now a globally known brand. For over 30 years Hello Kitty is an icon for thousands of girls around the world. The fact that a cute and funny kitten have a boyfriend, friends, family, a twin, ... is something that girls now are so much fun.

Hello Kitty was originally created by Sanrio designer Ikuko Shimizu in 1974. Shimizu left the company a year later. The second designer, Setsuko Yonekubo, he worked for five years until 1980 when he picked up the baton Yuko Yamaguchi, who is still in charge today. The character originally appeared in small gift items for girls such as a purse.

Hello Kitty has her name in English because British culture was popular among young Japanese at the time of its creation. The Kitty nobre has its origin in cats that Alice cared for in the novel Alice Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. When Hello Kitty's boyfriend called "Dear Daniel" was created in 1999, designers took its name from the film Melody, which starred Mark Lester as a character named Daniel, and the songs of the famous Bee Gees.

The Hello Kitty's fictional world includes a long list of friends and family. Since 2004 is a pet cat named Kitty Charmmy, and a hamster called Sugar. Charmmy resembles Hello Kitty but has more features cat and does not look like it anthropomorphic. Charmmy Kitty was a gift for Hello Kitty from his father, George White, and Sugar a gift from her boyfriend, Dear Daniel.

visual style and possible origins

3-D Magnets
created in Taiwan for 7-Eleven to celebrate the 30 anniversary of Hello Kitty. There Hello Kitty certain clues that suggest that had its origins in Maneki Neko, and that the name Hello Kitty is the translation of Maneki Neko, which means beckoning cat in English. It is also pointed to the fact that the character resembles the character Miffy, designed in 1955 by Dick Bruna and drawing style is not original. Merchandising

Perhaps originally encouraged by the pre-teen market, the Hello Kitty logo now adorns almost every product you can think you can take it. A large proportion of desktop products or office, others ranging from food to clothing through computers and even cars. In Japan, its popularity ha penetrado en cada aspecto de la vida diaria de los japoneses.

El primer producto que llevó la imagen de Hello Kitty fue un pequeño monedero de vinilo que costaba unos 240¥ (hoy, unos 2.27$, o 1.77€). Actualmente es un fenómeno que decora más de 22.000 productos y proporciona a Sanrio unos mil millones de dólares de beneficio al año.

Hello Kitty

Artista Japh

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Reklama Baner Swietlny

Rudyard Kipling "The cat that walked just Federico García Lorca-

Sucedieron estos hechos que voy a contarte, oh, querido mío, cuando los animales household were wild. The Dog was wild, as were the Horse, Cow, Sheep and Pig, as wild as you can imagine, and roamed the wet and wild bush in the company of their wild relatives, but the wildest of all animals Jack was wild. The cat walked alone and did not mind being here or there.

Wild Man was also, of course. It was terribly wild. He did not begin until he met domesticated Women and she repudiated his untamed lifestyle. Women chose to sleep without a nice damp cave instead of a pile of wet leaves, and spread clean sand on the floor, lit a fire of wood the back of the cave and hung the skin of Wild Horse, with the tail down, on entry, then said:

-Wipe your feet before entering, from now on we will have a home.

That night, my dear, Wild ate lamb roasted on hot stones and seasoned with garlic and wild pepper, and Wild Duck stuffed with wild rice and wild fenugreek and cilantro, and marrow of wild oxen and wild cherries and pomegranates. Then, when Man fell asleep as happy as a child in front of the fire, the woman sat carding wool. He took a bone from the shoulder of lamb, great flat shoulder, saw the portentous signs which were in it, threw fuel to the fire and made a spell, the first song of the world Sorcery.

wet and wild in the woods, wild animals gathered in a place where they were able to see from afar the light of the fire and wondered what it might mean that.

Then Wild Horse stamped his hoof and said

"Oh, my friends and enemies, why have so large that light Man and Woman in the huge cave? How do we hurt ourselves? Wild Dog

lifted his nose, sniffed the aroma of roast lamb and said:

"I'm going there, I see everything and I find out what happens, and I will stay, I believe it is a good thing. Join me, Jack.

- No way! "Said the Cat. I am the Cat who walks alone and who does not mind being here or there. I will not go with you.

"Then we will never be friends," he added Wild Dog, and went trotting into the cave.

...//... To read the whole

El gato que caminaba solo

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How Long Will My Cat Allergy Last?


The animals were imperfect, long-tailed, unfortunate in cabeza.Poco
little they
becoming a landscape, acquiring
grace flight.
The cat, only
cat appeared complete and proud
born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what
The man wants to be
fish and bird, the snake would
have wings,
the dog is a lion
the engineer wants to be
poet, the fly studies
to swallow,
the poet tries to imitate the
fly, but the cat
only to be cat and every cat is cat
from whiskers to tail, from hunches to
live rat, from night to his golden eyes
No unit
like him
no moon nor flortal context:
is one thing
as the sun or a topaz, and the elastic
} ica line in your contour
Girma and subtle like
line on the bow of a ship
His yellow eyes have a single slot
to throw coins
O little emperor without globe
conqueror without country, tiny tiger
games, bridal
sultan of the sky of erotic tiles,
love the wind in the open
you claim when you spend
and backside
four delicate feet on the ground, smelling
distrust of all land,
because everything is filthy
for the immaculate foot
the cat.
O independent beast
house, arrogant
vestige of the night,
lazy, gymnastic and alien
profound cat, secret police
lost velvet,
surely there
enigma to your manner, perhaps
are not a mystery,
everyone knows you and you belong to
least mysterious inhabitant, perhaps
everyone believes, everyone believes
owners, owners
, uncles
cats, companions,
colleagues, disciples and friends
of your cat.
I do not.
I do not subscribe.
I do not know the cat.
I know everything, life and its archipelago
the sea and the city
botany, the harem with their
loss, and the for less than
volcanic funnels
the world, shell
crocodile, the goodness of
ignored firefighter, the blue atavism of
but I can not decipher a
My reason slipped in
indifference, their eyes have
gold numbers.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Raytheon Retirement Plan 2010

the cat Playing with the cat

Many people wonder how you can play with a cat. They believe that cats, unlike dogs, can not play or can not play with them. You just have to understand how the cat wants to play. Taking time and understanding are countless learning games cats and what they enjoy playing with their owners. And the owners with them. The basic game is hunting. And from there, all variants. It can be hunter or hunted, it can pursue prey, search, find, bring them, throw ... The game is very important for the cat. It is the only way to wear that energy you have left in abundance and stay healthy both physically and mentally. The game always reduces stress and helps to any behavior problem, whether to raise the self esteem of a scary cat, and to reduce the anxiety of a cat too nervous. Name examples for those unaware of the possibility of playing with your cat. Above all we must bear in mind that if you have not ever played with the cat, not only is the owner who must learn, but also own cat. So old and fat cat end playing with us, we just make a game interesting enough and tailored to the needs of each animal. The kittens play with ALL. They spend so phenomenal solos are chasing fluff balls and anything with a possibility of movement. Once you become more adult, about 18 or 24 months, no longer much fun to play alone. They need an incentive to be chasing an object. In a word, they get bored easily, being aware that they themselves have to move the toy to give "life." Therefore it is best to teach our cat to play with us, from the moment you acquire. Not only wear all that excess energy, it also creates a bond of friendship much stronger with the owner. A list of examples, for those willing to have fun with your cat (which we hope will be the majority): Guidelines

prey (with or without refund): The mice hair, or hair rubber balls, cloth mice ... and why not, a simple ball of paper. As soon as we launch, chase the cat jumping the obstacles encountered and taking her in the mouth take it somewhere (for "top"), or as often happens, we will bring it back. This last little detail, is to thank because if not, we end up getting up to pick "the dam." If you prefer to take it must let you enjoy your trophy and not removing it, until you ask. Yes, I asked for them, looking into his eyes and sitting in front of the toy. Trying to teach the cat to approach you and deposit at your feet, telling him how well he has every time I get. There are fast learning cats. Our cat get exercise without leaving the couch.

Interactive Game: this time we have to participate actively. We refer to all the toys designed as a fishing rod, with all sorts of objects in the end. Obviously we can develop us toy, but traded them a rod of hard plastic, slightly flexible, which is very comfortable. The object will end in this case "the dam." Cats prey perfectly differentiated from another. Although for us is almost the same move the pen, the ball on the end, our cat will be something very different. It is not the same as a mouse than a bird, or insect than a snake. All these animals are potential prey. The owner depends on that the game is to catch a butterfly or a mouse. The movements of an animal or another are completely different and getting to imitate an animal or another, we will give your cat the opportunity to hunt around, but at home. It is really important to act as a dam. No mouse or bird in his right mind would dance in front of a cat or restregaría down his face ... this discourages the cat, rather disorienting him, and he does not understand the behavior so bold that supposed prey. This is the mistake made most often and the reason why many owners claim that your cat does not like jugar.Se can hide the toy behind the leg of the sofa, chairs, slide around corners or sticking to the wall, moving slowly and stopping suddenly, as if guarding ... The birds and insects make short flights and perch in high places as the backup the chair. The snakes slither quickly instead crawling along the ground.

use your imagination and remember: Vary the type of toy preferences observe each cat hunting Alternate fast and slow motion Let the prey is hidden so the cat can plan the attack Let the cat catch his prey Reduce action when the game reaches the end (yes, dams at the end, sadly died recently) Allow the cat to play with the latest catch
recommend saving these toys with cords or elastic cords in a safe place when not playing with the cat, to prevent be ingested and cause a severe intestinal blockage. Most of the time the cat knows that place are those wonderful toys and literally ask their owners to play with them.

Hideaway: only our presence can be a perfect game for our cat. Does anyone remember that game for children called the English hiding? Most cats quickly learn to haunt us as we hide behind a corner and call them. Stealthy approach, are paralyzed when we look out to avoid being seen and re-close as they do not look. The game usually ends as soon give us a cake with your hand and run off to pursue them. And again it starts from the beginning. Let's see who gets tired before ...

paper bags, cardboard boxes: making small holes in a cardboard box and hiding a toy that makes noise in stimulating their curiosity. The cats love to climb on all sides, put the legs in any hole ...

Play with our hands: This is the most common way that people (mostly male) understood the game, and just like always with an owner scratched or bitten screaming too loud, and the cat running scared or stored energy still left wanting to end this "hunting." These cats do not usually control While the bite force and not always hide their nails. The game itself is not counterproductive, as the animal that is accustomed to distinguish well that this is a game, and there is aggressive behavior per se. But we think the game is not appropriate because the cat will play well with everyone, no matter who is an elderly person or child. Each time you play, the game starts with an 'attack' to us and the pain tolerance of a bite or scratch is not equal for everyone! Not only does exercising animal to GDP, but also to use his tricks predator, that all cats have instinctively.

Playing Time: Of course all the time you want to spend. But keep in mind that cats are not animals to be prepared for a prolonged physical exercise, but rather for sprinting, jumping, seizures ... meetings of 10 or 20 minutes are usually more than enough, depending on the condition physical animal. Please do not try to claim that a cat is obese for 20 minutes chasing a toy, and you can give a breakdown! Nor that a larger animal gets to jump juggling the shelves. It is clear that we must adapt the game to the characteristics of each animal.

Number of sessions: All that they want, up to 15 or 20 times can kill a cat every day. But as a general rule, your cat will be quite happy if they spend one or two sessions per day. Toys

recommended: Any toy marketed for cats, our cat likes balls of toilet paper rolls cork stoppers of bottles of water sprigs of fruit trees (no fertilizer) Paper bags bathrobe belt. .. Dangerous toys: Toys

cats than for any potentially toxic product Rubber Bands (danger of being eaten) Sewing thread (hazard ingestion) Wool Cord (risk of ingestion) Plastic bags sharp objects (choking hazard)
P. Calleja Alfaro

Monday, August 21, 2006

Detritivores, Scavengers, And De

Jacques Prévert" The cat and the bird-

A desolate
people listen the song of a wounded bird.
is the only bird
people and is the only cat in the hat
puebloq has devoured half.
And the bird ceases to sing
stops purring cat
and smacking his nose.
And the people makes the bird
wonderful funeral.
And the cat you're invited
up behind the small coffin
straw where the dead bird is stretched
led by a little girl
not stop mourn.
If I knew why I was so sorry,
tells the cat, I would have
and then you had told
who had been flown
blow up the world's end
which is so far beyond
never returns. Your
had had less pain
just sadness and sorrow
Never do things by halves.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Houston Youth Football League

Another cat

The link between writers and cats, has always fascinated me. Here's another sample: Jodorowsky talking about their cats ... Then I take a break from an hour to play with my cats. I have five are called Noah, Moishe, Pollux, Mirra and my favorite, Kazan. Is the cat with whom I go out shooting in the dance of reality. Kazan is the smartest cat I've ever met in my entire life. Much love cats. When my father died, a hundred years, I felt absolutely nothing, indifference. When Mao died, my cat, who had lived twenty years with me, I cried like a child. I felt deeply. Jodorowsky y gatos

Monday, August 7, 2006

Pregnant Special Occasion Dresses

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Ontario Home Made Trailer Licencing

Gif-Kitty-Cat Humor Cat Karate

Gato borracho "Never again, never again ...

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

How Long Can You Have Gonorrhea Without Knowing

Gato Matrix

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Funny Comments To Write On The Cake For Birthday

Via Wikipedia
American rockabilly band formed by guitarist / vocalist Brian Setzer, the bass player Lee Rocker (Leon Drucker) and Slim Jim Phantom Island town of Massapequa (James McDonnell). "The Tomcats", the band formed by Brian Setzer and his brother, was the germ of the future "Stray Cats", that would be born in 1979 in New York after leaving the brother and join the training Setzer Lee Rocker and Slim Jim Phantom. picture of Stray Cats live in Gijón But the beginning would be difficult and would have to go to England to succeed, it would get after publishing his first album, "The Stray Cats" in 1981. U.S. again to edit their second album, "Gonna Ball" (1981) and a compilation entitled "Built for Speed" (1982). His third official album would be "Rant N 'Rave With The Stray Cats" (1983), and would mean the beginning of the end. Behind him the band would begin a cycle of separation and reunion marked by the departure of discs more or less mediocre compared to their first three albums: "Rock Therapy" (1986), "Blast Off" (1989), "Let's Go Faster "(1990)," Choo Choo Hot Fish "(1992) and" Original Cool "(1993), which eventually would be their last together. In 2004, coinciding with the 25 th anniversary of the formation of the group, the Stray Cats met again on a tour around the world. In Spain it would take to Barcelona and Gijon, which showed that despite the years the Stray Cats are still the most important one of the rockabilly of the last quarter century.

Dental Collection Letters Samples

Stray Cats Stray Cats & Cat Rockabilly

Stray Cats

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Can I Get Hand Foot Mouth Twice


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Letter Announcing New Doctor In

The Cat Dictionary

A fun fact about cats dictionary for Internet contributions. It is in English and some may have trouble understanding jokes (why when something like this in English?) Dictionary

Cat Pussy

-500 (n.)

When a cat runs around in circles at great speed, Usually on the backs of chairs, sofas, tables, etc. The cat did

the Pussy-500 around the living room without Touching the floor. (Gilbert Socas)

Pussy-500 (n)

When a cat runs in circles at high speed, usually under the chairs, sofas, tables, etc.

made the Pussy Cat-500 in the dining room without touching the ground. (Gilbert Socas)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Dark Blood After Depo Provera

Pablo Neruda "Ode to the cat-

Oda cat
Pablo Neruda
were imperfect, long-tailed
, sad
Little by little they
becoming a landscape,
acquiring spots, grace, flight.
The cat, only the cat
appeared complete and proud:
born completely finished,
walking alone and knowing what you want.
The man wants to be fish or fowl,
the snake would have wings,
the dog is a lost lion,
the engineer wants to be a poet, fly
studies the swallow,
the poet tries to imitate the fly, but the cat
want to be just
cat and every cat is cat
from whiskers to tail,
from a rat living from
the night to his golden eyes. There is no unity
like him have no
the moon and the flower
such context:
is one thing
as the sun or a topaz,
and the elastic line in outline
strong and subtle like
line on the bow of a ship. His yellow eyes
have just one slot
to coin the gold of the night. O little emperor without globe
conqueror without country, tiny tiger
games, bridal
sultan of the sky of erotic tiles,
love the wind in the open
you claim
when you spend
and place four
delicate feet on the ground, smelling
distrust of all land, because todoes unclean
for the immaculate foot of the cat. Oh
independent house, arrogant
vestige of the night,
lazy, gymnastic and alien
profound cat, secret police
insignia of a missing
velvet, surely there
enigma to your manner, perhaps
are not a mystery,
everyone knows you and you belong
least mysterious inhabitant, perhaps everyone
everyone believes owners
owners, uncles
cats, colleagues
colleagues or friends
disciples of your cat.
I do not.
I do not subscribe.
I do not know the cat.
I know everything, life and its archipelago,
the sea and the incalculable city,
gynoecium with their loss,
the for and the least of mathematics, volcanic funnels
the world, shell
Unreal crocodile ignored
goodness of a firefighter,
the blue atavism of priests,
but I can not decipher a cat. My reason
slipped in their indifference, their eyes have
golden numbers.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Where Is The Presurrre Point For Periods

blue Chartreux Cat feline

According to Jean Simonnet, a great lover of the breed and absolute expert, the Carthusians could have originated in the mountainous regions of Turkey and Iran and may be introduced in France commercial vessels in the Middle East at a time after the Crusades. Another hypothesis considers most romantic cat native of France, raised only by Carthusian monks in a monastery near the town of Grenoble, world famous for its liqueur Chartreuse. " For its excellent quality as the Carthusian mouser could be the keeper of manuscripts and books in the library of the monks. But no one can see that the monks of the Grande Chartreuse (the Grande Chartreuse) will breed these cats. The name chartreux is not too clear. It appears that the name refers to the pile des Chartreux, wool fabric imported from Spain to France, whose dense texture recalls the coat of this cat. We know the presence of blue cats in France since the sixteenth century. The first written reference (1558) is in a poem by Joachim Du Bellay (Vers français sur la mort d'un petit chat) on your cat Belaud. Chartreux The term first appears in the Universal Dictionary of Commerce, Natural History and Arts and Crafts of Savarry des Bruslons (1723) "the common people and a cat called fucking blue. It is a skin to make the fur business." Later (1735) appears in the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus, the Latin term Catus caeruleus (blue cat) considered a race other than the Angora cat and Spain. At this time, although it was recognized as a race, not enjoyed much luck, in addition to its use in leather goods for their prized fur similar to that of the otter, several texts animal denotes a butcher whose ultimate goal was a good stew. Until the twentieth century Carthusian does not become a pet. By 1925 in Belle-Île-en-Mer (Morbihan), sisters Léger excited by her beauty began a painstaking work of selecting and began breeding. The first samples, and Coquito Marquise, were collected by breeders, and free living in the area. From their union was born of Guerveur Mignonne in 1931 was named the cat more aesthetic of the exhibition of the Paris Club Cat. In 1939 he established the first standard and success of chartreux in cat shows continued uninterrupted until the 60's. At this time some farmers decided to limit inbreeding of their crosses and turned to the blood of the British Blue. Carthusian implications were dire, as it accumulates and traits of the endangered her british standard. But purists railed against the decision of the Fife to assimilate both races and in 1977, set a new standard for the Carthusian, separated two sources books and since 1989 prohibited any kind of miscegenation. In theory, the rules were clear on this point, but the evidence shows that things are not so easy in practice. The Chartreux is a very popular breed in the public who spontaneously appointment to designate any blue gray cat with short hair. The name of the British is still little used except in the circle of error felinocultura.Pero had been done and numerous hybrids, unfortunately, hardly perceptible, were used for breeding. Especially considering that some independent clubs continued mixing the two breeds to a very recent period. At present it is difficult to find pure Chartreux, very few farmers jealously preserved their race. Yet it is a cat that raises passions in both Europe and the United States and is considered the perfect image of the cat. Personalities such as the French writer Colette, and General de Gaulle have enjoyed the company of these precious cats.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Meagan Goods Short Hair Cut


Via in good hands

feline Law of inertia: A cat at rest will remain at rest until it is moved by some force outside, something like the sound of opening a can of cat food.

catlike movement Act: A cat will always move in a straight line unless you have a very good reason to change direction, such as opening a can of cat food.

catlike Law of magnetism: Coats, jackets and sweaters attract cat hair in direct proportion to the darkness of the piece.

feline Law of Thermodynamics: The heat is transferred from a hot body to a cold except in the case of cats, in which any type of heat is transferred to the cat.

stretch Act catty: A cat always stretched to a length proportional to the duration of the siesta made.

dormimiento catlike Law: All cats will try to sleep with humans whenever possible, and in a position to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them.

catlike stretching Act : A cat can stretch your body long enough to reach any site that contains minimally something interesting for him.

feline Acceleration Act: A cat will accelerate its speed constantly until it looks good and stops.

Full Service Law: The cat will be served all good things on the table at any meal.

Act rugs configuration: No mat remain in its natural flat state too long.

Act feline resistance to obedience cat's resistance varies in direct proportion to the human desire to do something concrete.

First law of conservation of energy: Since cats know that energy is neither created nor destroyed, use as little energy as possible.

Second law of conservation of energy: The Cats also know that energy can only be stored by many naps.

Act refrigerator observation: If a cat watches a refrigerator carefully for long enough, get someone to come and give him some good food.

Law of attraction of the electric blanket, electric blanket Plugging the cat will get up to bed at the speed of light. Law

the random search of comfort: A cat will always seek and usually find the most comfortable place in a given room.

Occupation Act bag / box: Any box or bag left in a room is occupied by a cat at the earliest possible time.

catlike Law: A cat's irritation grows in direct proportion to the embarrassment that provides human laughter.

dairy intake Act: While the tired, a cat can always drink your weight in milk just to show you can do it.

Act covers: The desire for a cat to scratch any couch is directly proportional to this value.

Author: Silvia

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Price Of Eye Laser In Uk And Malaysia

Joke "The cat who wanted to fuck-

The cat father and son cat.

Says the father:

"Son, I want to come with me I'll teach you to fuck.

- Vale potato, come we go.

Walking through the town square, a dog sees you, and start running behind them.

begin to spin to the plaza, more than two hundred and son jack stands and tells the father.

- Papa, I fuck around and go over eh?

Thursday, April 6, 2006

How Accurate Is An Hiv Test At 6 Weeks

Genetics-cats on tri-

Only females, including cats, can have three colors on his cloak. Males do not have that combination and with fur unicolor or bicolor. The reason is that the cat's hair colors are closely related to the sex chromosomes.
A female has two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). However, in cats, the gene O (orange) works in a curious way and is linked to gene X. If a cat has two genes OO is tricolor.
The cat can not possibly be OO, since they only have one X and Y gene is not orange. The behavior in the male cat is really interesting is OY OY orange color is not orange, but it is never possible OO.
Some cats, exceptionally, are tri-color because they have an extra chromosome, ie they are XXY. They are tricolored, but are sterile. This is the case in a cat every 3,000. Rarer is yet to be tricolor and fertile cats with these characteristics are given in the rate of one every 10,000. Curiosities of nature.

Monday, March 6, 2006

60thbirthday Speeches

There is a time to suffer and to love

One of my last reading was disappointed man's diary, where an entomologist leaves reflected in his diaries his desire to go far in life, and as this capacity is hampered by the relentless advance of what the early twentieth century was an unknown disease: multiple sclerosis.
May 3, 1914 Crisis
heart all day. The flashing is a refined torture for those who want to live as I do. The heart "skipping a period" every time you breathe deeply, hold the hand of your friend and give a farewell speech. After working again and order another pint of cerveza.Dentro of the cage of my chest animal lives a fussy, and I never know when to run away and take my precious life from the teeth. I keep current, persuaded him and reassured him, but God knows that I have great confidence in the little animal. Apparently, my chest is a den unbearable.
Barbellion WNP-The diary of a disappointed man
Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease that damages the system nervous, and that is slowly undermining the drive to the people. Its effects occur intermittently, with periods of latency that intersect with others where the disease bites you with maximum violence. If one does not fall, try to remember the image of astrophysicist Stephen Hawking stuck in his wheelchair.
Another case I remember the writer Juan García Ponce (undoubtedly the best site on Ponce: D). But I should say that their way of life the disease was a great example of vitalism and literary production. In the words of her friend Elena Poniatowska:
"Although it does not move, John is a free man. His body withered by disease breaks out of strength. It is so expressive that one forgets that John can only raise his arms in thought. After five minutes he is imposing, which is dictated to him, the conversation is leading him. Maybe I can not hold his head but his brain is powerful and light stands each inert thinking. "
Juan García Ponce
The photo comes courtesy of Magda .... thanks

Friday, March 3, 2006

Premixed Ice Cream Mix

another cat, see also

Two great pictures, the first we see Borges with your cat Beppo (do not know the author). The text is Jorge Edwards. "And there around a fat cat, neutered, well fed, light colored (yellow, I thought, too, but an authorized witness just said I was white), which had a name of English Romanticism. If memory does not betray me, it was called Beppo, as Lord Byron cat. Someone told me that the cat had been owned by a daughter of the Corrientes and wearing short for a football player, Beno, Bob or something. Borges heard the name and exclaimed, delighted: Ah! Beppo, Byron cat ! He always had things to the mill of the literature and was smiling, thinking. There was no point, fortunately, out of reflection. The cat-colored, with abundant coat, could be called anything, but was baptized at the same moment as the Byronic Beppo. "
Borges y gato
The second photo is also beautiful (taken by Ulla Montan ). Talk Luis Tomassello , painter living in Paris who shared evenings with Cortázar.
"July also broke away from the house where he had buried his cat Adorno, spoken of much in his books. But his last cat buried in my garden Carol because when he became ill and died I brought with me. Christened July Franel because he was always rubbing against my legs. It was very strange: the kitten was fine, of course, he missed, but one day I realized I was sick and went to the vet though he died almost immediately. When I told her to July was very sad and told me it was the first of the three who died. And it was true. Carol died before the year and fifteen months. "
Cortázar y gato2

Monday, February 13, 2006

Donated Office Space Deduction

thief in the night Cat Piopio

Gatos y Piopio Artist Photograph taken Piopio. Here you can enjoy one of his galleries.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What Is Free Skate Sharpening

Edgar Allan Poe-El gato negro-

translation of Julio Cortazar
neither expect nor ask anyone to believe in the strange yet simple story that I am about to write. Would be crazy if you wait, when my senses reject their own evidence. But I'm not crazy and I know that this is not a dream. Tomorrow I'm going to die and I would unburden my soul. My immediate purpose is to make clear, simple, quietly and without comment, a series of domestic events. The consequences of these events have terrified, I have tortured I finally destroyed. But do not try to explain. If you have been horrible for me, others seem less terrible than baroque. Later, perhaps, someone whose intelligence will reduce my phantasm to the commonplace, some intellect more calm, more logical, and far less excitable than my own, able to see fearfully describe the circumstances, an ordinary succession of natural causes and effects . From childhood I stood out by the docility and humanity of my disposition. The tenderness that sheltered my heart was so big that it becomes an object of ridicule for my teammates. I was especially fond of animals, and my parents allowed me to have a large variety. Walked by most of the time, and never was happier than when I was feeding and stroking. This character trait grew up with me and when I came to manhood, became one of my principal sources of pleasure. Those who have ever experienced love for a faithful and sagacious dog, I need not bother to explain the nature or severity of the remuneration received. There is something in the generous and selfless love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of that which has often proven false friendship and gossamer fidelity of man. I married young and had the joy of my wife with my own. By observing my love pets, lost no opportunity of procuring the most enjoyable of them. We had birds, fish, a fine dog, rabbits, a monkey and a cat. The latter was an animal of considerable size and beauty, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing. Referring to his intelligence, my wife, who at heart was not a little superstitious, frequently alluded to the ancient popular notion that all black cats are witches metamorphosed. Not that I seriously believe, and I mention the thing because I just remember it. Pluto was the name of the cat had become my favorite and my comrade. I just fed him and he followed me everywhere at home. Hard for me to stop were walking behind me on the street. Our friendship lasted so many years, during which (blush to confess it) my temperament and my character is radically altered because of the devil. Intemperance. Every day I grew more melancholy, irritable and indifferent to others' feelings. He even talking or bad for my wife and I ended up inflicting personal violence. My favorite, of course, also felt the change in my character. Not only neglected, but I got hurt. To Pluto, however, I retained sufficient regard to restrain me of abuse, which he did with the rabbits, monkeys and even the dog when, by chance or moved by the affection, they came in my way. My illness, however, worsened, then, what disease is like alcohol? - And ultimately the same Pluto, which was quite old and, therefore, somewhat cranky, began to suffer the consequences of my bad mood. One night, returning home drunk, after one of my wanderings around town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence. I lifted the arms, but, frightened by my violence, I bit lightly on the hand. Point took me a demonic fury and no longer knew what he was doing. It was as if Following my soul is separated from the beat of my body, a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-fed, thrilled every fiber of my being. Drawing from his waistcoat pocket a penknife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately, I did skip one eye. Blush, I burn, I shudder as I write so damnable atrocity. When reason returned with the morning, when I had the dream dissipated the fumes of the orgy night, I felt the horror mingled with remorse at the crime, but my feeling was weak and ambiguous, not enough to appeal to the soul. I once again plunged into excess, and soon drowned in wine all memory of what happened. The cat, meanwhile, slowly recovered. True that the socket of the lost eye presented a frightful appearance, but he no longer seemed to suffer. He went about as usual, around the house, although, as is expected, fled in terror at my approach. I had so much of my old, as to be grieved by this evident dislike of an animal that once had loved me so much. But this feeling soon gave place to irritation. And then to my final and irrevocable overthrow, was presented the spirit of perversity. The philosophy takes no account of this spirit, and yet, as sure that my soul lives the wicked is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart, one of the indivisible primary faculties, one of those feelings that direct the nature of man. Who has not, himself a hundred times that committing a vile or silly action, for the simple reason that they should not? Is there in us a permanent trend, boldly facing the right direction, a tendency to violate that which is the law for the mere fact of being? This spirit of perverseness, as I said in my final overthrow. And the unfathomable longing of my soul had vejarse itself, to violate their very nature to do evil for evil's sake, I encouraged to continue and finally to consummate the injury I had inflicted upon the unoffending brute. One morning, in cold blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it on the branch of a tree hung it with tears streaming from my eyes and with the bitterest remorse at my heart, hung it because I remembered had wanted to and because I was sure I had not reason to kill him hung it because I knew that by doing so, committed a sin, a mortal sin to commit my soul to take, if possible, beyond the scope of infinite mercy of God most merciful and most terrible. The night of that same day that I committed such a cruel action woke me screaming: "Fire!" The curtains of my bed was an open flame and the whole house was blazing. With great difficulty we were able to escape the conflagration my wife, a servant and me. Everything was destroyed. My worldly possessions were lost and since then I had to resign myself to despair. Incur no weakness to establish a cause and effect between the disaster and my criminal action. But I am detailing a chain of events and do not want to leave any link incomplete. The day after the fire I went to visit the ruins. Except one, the walls had collapsed. The one left standing was a low room divider thick, located in the center of the house, and against which had rested before the head of my bed. The plaster had been spared by the action of fire, which I attributed to its recent implementation. A dense crowd had gathered outside the wall and several people seemed to review part of it with great care and detail. The words "strange!, Curious!" and others like it excited my curiosity. As I approached I saw that the white surface, recorded as a relief, appeared the image of a gigantic cat. The contour sharpness was truly wonderful. There was a rope around the neck of the animal. Upon discovering this apparition, as it could not consider something else, I felt overpowered by the wonder and terror. But after reflection came to my aid. I remembered that he had hanged the cat in a garden adjoining the house. To the alarm of fire, the crowd was immediately filled the garden, someone had cut the rope and throw the cat in my room through the open window. Undoubtedly, had tried to wake up that way. The falling of other walls had compressed the victim of my cruelty into the freshly applied plaster, as lime, along with the action of the flames and the ammonia from the carcass, had the image I had seen. While this form was satisfied my reason, if not my conscience, about the strange episode, what happened was deeply impressed my imagination. For many months I could not get rid of the ghost cat, and in that time dominated my mind a sentiment report that seemed, but was not, remorse. I got to the point of lamenting the loss of animal and look at the vile dens usually frequented, some other of the same species and look that could take his place. One night, half drunk, I was in a tavern that infamous black called my attention to something sitting on one of the huge barrels of gin, which constituted the principal furniture of the place. For some minutes had been looking at the barrel and I was surprised no sooner perceived the presence of black spot on top. I approached and touched his hand. It was a very large black cat, as big as Pluto and quite like this one, but one. Pluto had not a white hair on the body, but this cat had a large, although indefinite splotch of white, covering the entire chest. Feeling cherished quickly straightened up, purred loudly, rubbed against my hand and seemed delighted with my attention. Just, then, to find the animal that just was looking for. Immediately, I proposed purchase of the landlord, but he said that the animal was not his and that he had never seen before or knew anything about him. Continue caresses, and, as I was returning home, the animal seemed willing to accompany me. I let him do it, stopping again and again to bend over and pet him. When he was at home, got used to it immediately and became the favorite of my wife. For my part, I soon born in me a dislike to that animal. It was exactly the opposite of what I had anticipated, but, without being able to say how or why, its strong affection for me disgusted and distressed me. Gradually, the feeling of disgust and fatigue rose to the bitterness of hatred. Avoid running into the animal, a sense of shame and the memory of my cruelty vedaban old mistreat me. For some weeks I refrained from doing so hit or a victim of any violence, but gradually-very gradually-I came at him with unspeakable hatred and to flee silently from its odious presence, as if it were an emanation of the plague. What undoubtedly helped to increase my hatred was discovered, the next morning I brought it home, that cat, like Pluto, was blind in one eye. This circumstance was precisely what made it more pleasing to my wife, who, as I said, possessed in high degree, humanitarian sentiments that had once been my distinguishing trait, and the source of my simple pleasures and more pure. Affection cat for me seemed to grow in the same grade as my aversion. It followed my footsteps with a pertinacity that would cost me make it clear to the reader. Whenever I sat, it would ovillarse under my chair, or spring upon my knees, lavishing his odious caresses. If you missed a walk it would get between my feet, threatening to make me fall, or fastening its long and sharp claws in my dress, to climb up my chest. In those moments, but longed to annihilate at one blow, I felt paralyzed by the memory of my first crime, but above all, let me confess right now, by a terrible fear of the animal. This dread was not exactly afraid of a physical illness, and yet, it would be impossible define it differently. I am almost ashamed to admit, yes, even in this criminal cell, I am almost ashamed to admit that the terror, the terror that this animal inspired me, was intensified by one of the most insane fantasies that would be given to conceive. More than once my wife had called attention to the shape of the white spot which I have spoken, and which constituted the only difference between the strange beast and the one I had killed. The reader will remember that this mark, although large, had seemed at first indefinitely, but gradually, so imperceptibly that my reason struggled to reject long as fantastic the blot was taking a thorough outline of precision. Now represented something that I shudder to name, and therefore hated, feared, and wanted to get rid of the monster had been able to presume, represented, say, the image of a perfectly dreadful, sinister ... the image of the gallows! Oh, mournful and terrible engine of horror and crime, agony and death! I felt more miserable then all human miseries. To think that a beast, whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed, a beast was capable of producing such unbearable anguish of a man created in the image and likeness of God! Oh, day or night and I could enjoy the blessing the rest! By day, the creature left me no moment alone at night, wake up time when the most horrible dream, to feel the hot breath of the thing in my face and heavy weight-incarnate nightmare that I could not rid-incumbent eternally upon my heart. Under the burden of such torments, succumbed to me how little I was good. Evil thoughts only because of my privacy, the darkest and most evil of thoughts. My usual melancholy mood grew into hatred of all around me and all mankind, and my poor wife, who complained of nothing, became a regular patient and victim the sudden and frequent outbursts of blind rage to leave me. One day, to complete a chore, accompanied me to the basement of the old building which our poverty compelled us to live. The cat followed me as I descended the steep stairs and was about to pull my head down, which exasperated me to madness. Raising an ax and forgetting, in my wrath, the childish fears which had hitherto stayed my hand, I downloaded a blow that would have instantly killed the animal from achieving it. But my wife's hand stopped his career. Then, led by its intervention to a rage more than demoniacal, I stretched forth his grasp and buried the hatchet in the head. Without a groan, fell dead at my feet. Once this gruesome murder, gave me the point and in cold blood all the task of concealing the body. I knew it was impossible to remove from home, day and night, without running the risk of a neighbor watching me. Several projects entered my mind. For a moment I thought of dismembering the body and burn the pieces. Then I dig a grave in the basement floor. I also thought if it was not advisable to throw the body into the well in the yard or put it in a drawer, as if it were a common commodity, and call a porter to withdraw it from home. But at last I found what I thought was the best record I decided to wall up in the cellar, as it is said that the monks of the Middle Ages have walled up their victims. The cellar was well adapted to this purpose. The walls were very resistant material and were freshly plastered with ordinary mortar, the humidity of the atmosphere had left to harden. Furthermore, in one of the walls was the salience of a false chimney, which was filled and treated like the rest of the basement. Undoubtedly, it would be very easy to take out the bricks in this part, enter the body and cover the hole as before, so that no eye could detect anything suspicious. I was not mistaken in my calculations. Easily I took the bricks with a lever and then carefully placing the body against the inner wall, I kept it in place while the masonry applied again in its original form. After attempting mortar, sand and sow, I prepared a plaster which was indistinguishable from the previous and carefully reverse the new brickwork. After the task, I felt sure that everything was fine. The wall did not show the slightest sign of being touched. Had swept to the smallest fragment of loose material. I looked around triumphantly, and I said, "Here, at least, I have not worked in vain." My next step was to look for the beast cause of so much misfortune, as the final I had decided to kill her. If at that time the cat had come before me, his fate would have been sealed, but, apparently, the wily animal, alarmed by the violence of my first fit of anger, was careful not to appear while not change my mood. Impossible to describe or imagine the deep, the wonderful relief that the absence of the detested creature occasioned in my chest. Not presented that night, and thus for the first time since his arrival at the house, I soundly and quietly, yes, slept even with the burden of murder upon my soul. They spent their second and third day and my tormentor came not. Once again I breathed as a free man. Terrified, the monster had fled the premises forever! I would never contemplate! Enjoyed a supreme happiness, and guilt of my dark deed disturbed me very little. Were carried out some research, which was not hard to answer. There was even a perquisición at home, but of course, was not discovered anything. My future seemed secure peace. On the fourth day of the murder, a group of policemen suddenly appeared and proceeded to a new and rigorous inspection. Convinced that my cache was impenetrable, I did not feel the slightest concern. The officers asked me to accompany them in their review. They left no hole or corner unexplored. In the end, for the third or fourth time, fell the basement. I followed them without a muscle quivered. My heart beat calmly as that of one who slumbers in innocence. I walked from one side to another in the basement. He had crossed his arms over his chest and walked quietly to and fro. The police were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to leave. The joy of my heart was too great to suppress. Longed to say, at least, a word as proof of success and double confirm my innocence. "Gentlemen," I said at last, when the party ascended the steps, I'm glad to have allayed your suspicions. I wish you happiness and a little more courtesy. By the way, gentlemen, This house is very well built ... (In my frantic desire to say something naturally, I hardly realized my words). Again it is a great house construction. These walls ... "And leave you gentlemen? ... have a great strength. And then, driven by my own bravado, I rapped heavily with the cane in his hand on the brick wall behind which lay the corpse of the wife of my heart. May God protect me and deliver me from the clutches of arch-fiend! Just had stopped the echo of my shock when a voice answered from inside the tomb. A groan, dull and choppy at first, like the sobbing of a child, then grew rapidly into a long, sharp and continuous scream, abnormal, as inhuman, a howl, a cry of lamentation, half horror, half of triumph, as it can only have sprung up in the hell of the damned throat His agony and demons exult in the damnation. Talk about what I thought at that time would be madness. Dam of vertigo, I staggered to the opposite wall. For a moment the group of men on the stairs was paralyzed with terror. Then, a dozen stout arms were toiling at the wall, which fell in one piece. The corpse, already very corrupt and stained with gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators. Above his head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had led me to murder, and whose voice gave me the executioner telltale. Had walled the monster in the grave!