Monday, January 24, 2011

Watch Love You Man Streaming

Tatiana was a spectacular woman, and few exist in this planet. The adored in my thoughts clearest and most corrupt in my thoughts. It was impossible not to. Beautiful brunette ...

Tatiana had the courage to do things I could do. Probably more disciplined to manage business studying abroad and to learn how the law regulates. Morena, disciplined and beautiful ...

neoleonesas In the distant lands, Tatiana began to live a fascinating experience in the life of any college student. He had traveled thousands of miles to be discovered as Hispanic versus those Hispanic Americans who seem so different. Was learning about our differences are only formal. Morena, disciplined, beautiful and curious ...

I wanted to make mine, like many other men who could not resist his deep dark eyes that seemed endless wells of tenderness and lust mixed. I loved her and wanted to love her. I wanted to love me, or at least that would love me, but the vanity of men made me explore new horizons after the rejection. Morena, disciplined, beautiful, curious and wanted ...

Tatiana is now further away than ever from my desires, my fears, my words and ideas. Tatiana is now unattainable so sad that the anger and confusion clouding my thoughts. My mind is cloudy and the atmosphere that Monterrey was apparently not allowed to see Tatiana forcefulness with which claimed the lives remind us all the fragility of existence. Morena, disciplined, beautiful, curious, want and ... Dead.

(In Memory of Tatiana CastaƱeda Godoy).

Soundtrack: Promenade dans le jardin - La Belle et la Bete - Philip Glass


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