Friday, March 25, 2011

Cute Congratulations Baby Message

Finally in 140 characters

Silently the dark secret of the cursed people at sea, including dead regrets the decision to live and breathe the air seems corrosive acid and that only corrupts the soul.

slowly sits in the old red chair, while a shadow grows around, walking dead knock on your door, cries of unimaginable creatures will burn in their hatred, longing for the silence, longing hell it was his daily life.
closes his eyes but only see even more, try to scream but the darkness enters your mouth, corrupt and doomed know it's not a dream, you know it's never going to wake up and the shadow around it not going to let go.

And then babbles the only words that reminds Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Then something wakes up and scream scary even for those who lack humanity.

He smiles, death has come at last.


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