Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where Is A Great Place To Have A Wedding In Reno?

CHICHA A1 Grand Melchor Java Zortybrandt

Grand Melchor Java Zortybrandt

Fakir Acts of indecency of a hermaphrodite

The true path is a string that has not been lying on top, but just above the ground. It seems intended more to make that trip to walk on it. Franz Kafka

Zortybrandt Melchor is a "Fakir" unusual, born on a boat off the coast of Java, is also a mystic of Brahma, Shiva and Maharishi ... Yes, if it's Beatles Guru ... At least that's what it, they told Renato Gonzalez, members of the group "SEMEFO" of Mexico ... the extreme performance: Dr. Arturo Angulo, Margolles Teresa and Carlos Lopez, they spoke of the fakir with much property and my curiosity grew rapidly ... Dulce Maria Melchor de Alvarado me immediately contacted them and I will swiftly to meet him, to that magic date ... I just wonder : Who is this "Fakir" so unusual?

is the night before the big event, Melchor then begins to be removed from his anus a long ribbon, rope, a large bar of silver cloth, fourteen feet long, it takes little little in what he considers a "supernatural act" has called "silver cord" ... is an obscene act in which Melchior said that the tape is the silver cord that connects your body with your spirit when you astral travel, then see a midget blonde fat and begins to make some strange signs with a torch in the air and "Fakir" is standing there, motionless, seems more satanic than the devil more, he did not do anything or move a muscle, I was as frozen, but then leaned forward and expelled three balls in the ass, three balls pool out of your anus and people thought they were ostrich eggs ... then everything was filled with white smoke and he did a super secret ceremony to get by introducing a bottle wine for the year, which is both her vagina ... and have disappeared within it, because the "Fakir" Melchor is actually a hermaphrodite ... If, if, as we hear, he is a hermaphrodite ... I had never met in person a hermaphrodite, had seen one who performed miracles and healed the sick, in the wonderful film "Satyricon" of Fellinni and had also heard of a "porn" was called "Priceless," which collected and inflatable dolls who boasted of having the largest penis of any man !!!!!!

The "Fakir" Melchor has a body part shorter than the other and when walking one realizes, is as if divided in two and one part is smaller than the other, arm, leg, ear, ribs ... are bigger on one side has female breasts, facial hair, has a penis and vagina, but woman feels like to be presented as "the biggest bitch has been in Mexico," he has eyes that color change over four times a day, are brown, then gray, then black, then blue, then green, then put him as David Bowie, one gray and one blue and the cycle begins again, is a strange kind with strange things, is covered by a leather coat, which is nothing but an elephant ear ... Yes, yes, his layer is not nothing but a male elephant ear, always very rare objects in a leather bag that is always on and never is separated, has been in that bag of brown goatskin, pendulums, ropes, bones, stones, crystals, amber, herbs, hair, nails, a stuffed rat paw and a tiny sharp knife Hindu.

The "Fakir" Melchor addition to English and German, speaks Kerundin, which he said is a language of Insular Asia, he says his name because he was born the sixth Melchor January and that is the name you have accounted for the birth of a January 6. I have not had much contact with Fakires, in fact I've only known one in India, which by his act by placing a sword on the grill with plenty of fire until it is red hot ... put this Fakir called "the great Kazzan "who claimed to be the reincarnation of the fifth Buddha and close relative of Mahatma Gandhi ... he is all naked body painted blue Krishna for each presentation, took the flaming sword and put it through the mouth, passing through the esophagus and reached his the stomach ... it was a real "sword swallower" only this, they are swallowed red-hot, in itself a true magic act ... I met Kazzan and now I've met Melchor, I've known treatment for these two mutants ...

The Fakir Melchor, at home receives a select few to witness a Performance only, which only makes the bathroom of his house bathroom where you have to seat to seat your guests, does not say that it is a mystery that only shared by few and if you ask, he will respond in Kerundin and one is left without learning anything.

home in Melchor has the sculpted bust of Emma Sastiastonga (An African Queen that kept him prisoner for years because he wanted to learn the techniques and the magic of getting things for the year, held him to teach her at that time ... "Fakir" Performance Melchor mounted to the top of an elephant doing a dance and playing a sacred drum, covered with a layer of elephant ear and getting things "unusual" for the year) this stone bust of Queen African Melchor took him to Germany and then to Mexico, along with the layer and the sacred drum, when one night she escaped from captivity, and certainly in the long journey he was excess baggage because of three annoying do things.

The "Fakir" arrives in Mexico to escape the war and Hitler's Germany, and upon arrival, immediately hired by the artist Jose Clemente Orozco, that would serve as a model, it is image of the "Prometheus" in the wall of the City University, he tells us that Orozco was tied by the hair and hung from the ceiling, then shows the pictures you have in memory and which verifies the story ... was also in the School model National Plastic Arts, but now old man engaged in their own affairs "Fakir" and perform their sacred rituals, he demystifies the old passive chronologically is old and has lived too, is full of stories and anecdotes ... but it is full of energy capable of moving mountains envy many young people today.

At home we saw the heavy stone sculpture, photos of when I worked for Orozco, billiard balls, a rhinoceros horn, a small knife Hindi, a turban, a golden comb a crown with precious stones, a crystal skull, giant crystals, a large amber with insects of all types in gold, frankincense and myrrh ... It is midnight and no moon today that fills the room is filled with a bright light coming through the window, heard in the distance that Zappa song entitled "Mystery Roach"

Ow! Look out!

How long? How long?

Till arrivin Be That mystery roach 'soon

Ya-ooo Ya-ooo Ya-ooo Ya-ooo

That mystery mystery roach roach approachin'That Be Be Approachin 'me

La La La La La La La, Oof!

Melchor then begins to play his sacred drum, knock, knock, knock, knock, strong makes sound turn our eyes to him, music is a ritual, hypnotic music, smoke incense and the strong smell of bitter almonds fills the air, he is wearing a cotton baggy pants, bare-chested with a white turban on his head, gold shoes with the point raised that Aladdin is covered with layer male elephant ear, his figure is impressive, his eyes turn bright red, seems as if about to take candle through the eyes ...

The Performance of "Fakir" Melchor Zortybrandt has started, and we all like a flock of sheep, one after another, hypnotized, following the yellow line painted on the white floor tiles ... to the immaculate white bathroom ... As Hannibal lambs to the slaughter.

Mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery roach! Mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery roach! Mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery mystery roach!


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