Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hillsborough Formal Wear Outlet

Thought Carmine

tell you how I can call my twisted mind when you meet in the middle of a thought?
I can tell you that my thoughts may your nakedness still your best weapon I can
detallarte ( you insist) and I mark your body with more than subtle touch and do not pretend that they bear you scream my name with you scream for me will be sufficient.
will try to get close to you to tell ear as I twist your mind and body , see you shake, smile and consume while the seductive smell of your skin.
In my thoughts I can break your skin with my teeth and I will ask ( amid gasps ) do not stop.
In my mind your smell, your taste the music , you sweat, your moisture, explodes in my senses and you'll see again and again the point of no return to my hallucinations. In my thoughts
your body and want to hurt my , want pleasure and want to stay on the line connecting the two. In my mind
darkest places are reserved for you to devour , possess and if ever possible further pervertirte . In my thoughts
belong to me for that moment when your senses are flooded, when seems endless pleasure, when you say stop and you hold on to my skin before returning to miss.

In my thoughts .. this is where everything happens, because, you who said that interest me feel ?


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