Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Digital Copy Accidentally Deleted

DOGS Dogs are very particular
While it is true that as part of their habits is the smell each other's ass
Or go round and round in circles before going to sleep
O wag his tail to tell you they are happy
Or lick and lick to give kisses
lick and lick O the female before mating herds
Or ride ten or fifteen of them wandering around the city behind a single female
O from tree to tree and marking territory by urinating
Similarly howl like wolves at midnight
O show their
long fangs
and growl of rage you
and destroy you with his teeth when they please

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Avoidant Personality Disorder Famous Character

Ten artists, as in fashion and music, revived what they created in the eighties and contrasted with their new works. The exhibition, which opens tomorrow at the Museum D'gallery in Las Mercedes, you will remember the days of Super 8Diez video art and artists, as in fashion and music, revived what they created in the eighties and as contrasted with their new works. The exhibition, which opens tomorrow at the Museum D'gallery in Las Mercedes, you will remember the days of video art and the Super 8

Eighties revived in the visual arts Ten

Venezuelan artists confront recent works with their proposed 30 years ago

Héctor Fuenmayor, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Jorge Pizzani, Pancho Quilici and Carlos Zerpa are some of the artists participating in 'Ten of the 80'. [Photo: Ernesto Morgado]

Eighties returned to film, fashion and music. The visual arts revival could not escape. Ten Venezuelan artists to confront his recent works created in the early days of personal computers, the emergence of AIDS, the passage of Halley's comet and the boom of shows like Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest set the tone.

At that time, Ten players in the sample of 80, organized by the Museum D'gallery, were torn between resurrect the painting had been relegated in the seventies by minimalism and conceptualism, or growing forms of expression such as performance or video art, between making sculptures and installations engage.

were the days before the decree of death that hung over the painting, reminds Héctor Fuenmayor, which participates in the exhibition with three paintings of the origins of modern art. "In those years, the painting had to put on authenticity because he had been convicted," he says during assembly.

The exhibition also participates Carlos Zerpa, revealing that he feels very comfortable to be able to compare his work, both past and present, with his contemporaries. "It is an exhibition with friends. Without doubt, the eighties were very strong from the standpoint of art, both painting and sculpture and installations and assemblages. In those years, beginning in video art, is the golden age of Super 8 Venezuelan triumphed throughout the world. The years continue to shine with light itself. "

Zerpa A dialogue between the three dimensional piece Black Warrior Santos and his recent series mutants. The first is an assembly that represents a warrior with no arms or legs, made of leather, knives, shields martial arts, the second is a portrait whose lines are drawn with thousands of miniature bottles.

The painter Julio Pacheco show a work 30 years ago and again last week. It is closing or opening and Night, respectively, which demonstrate the purification of an architectural work of strong impression.

The artist said he decided to participate in the exhibition because they believe you live the right time to examine the past. "To wake up a dormant period is needed to at least 30 years. The decade of which we speak has been addressed by the exhibition's 80. Overview of the visual arts in Venezuela, the National Art Gallery. That was in 1990, was a review a bit premature. Now that 30 years have passed no time for proofreading and even for the revival. They get to take a certain aesthetic values \u200b\u200band accepts them without that seem abhorrent. "Pancho Quilici

establish a counterpoint between its series Money owls and a couple of pieces created for his latest exhibition in the country, which took place in sighted.

"The artists of the eighties live the aesthetic consensus at that time. The first impact for me was the trans, which came abruptly, with colossal force. From that moment of my generation have always been in another latitude, accompanying new trends yet still a bit distant and critical. It is a special generation. "

The exhibition also organic sculptures can be admired Milton Becerra, the drippings of Sigfredo Chacón, the eclectic works of Victor Hugo Irazábal and paintings of Luis Lizardo, Jorge and Miguel von Dangel Pizzani.

Asain With Bf In Pool

Ten artists of the 80 language

The language of the 80
D'Museum Gallery opens the exhibition entitled "Ten of the 80" Falcon
For Dubraska

In the 80's, art in Venezuela speaks several languages. In that decade, he tore the straitjacket that was inherited from the geometric and kinetic art. The bonds were released and as a Tower of Babel national art began to speak different languages \u200b\u200band with different artistic expressions. He developed a personal language. And today some of those responsible for this event that marked pattern in Venezuelan art history will gather today in the Gallery D'Museum to be the body of the sample Ten of the 80.
Curated by Nicomedes Febres, the exhibition will tour the work of the 80's and now of Milton Becerra, Sigfredo Chacón, Héctor Fuenmayor, Victor Hugo Irazábal, Luis Lizardo, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Jorge Pizzani, Pancho Quilici, Miguel von Dangel and Carlos Zerpa.
"We did not get the overnight to the 80. We came from 60 and 70 working. Each person did what he wanted to do and that's the part that moves me more," says Carlos Zerpa.
"There was almost an obligation for us so we followed the path of teachers, especially in the geometric and kinetic world. But everyone developed their own personal language, began to construct their things and develop their work. And part of some As seen in this exhibition is as everyone has their own personality and language. Things do not look! "Said Zerpa.
And so they took his job with the art boom of the pictorial movement that began to be harvested around the world in the 80's. Although this group of ten ensure that penalties are a representation of all the artistic explosion of the moment.
"It was a moment in Venezuela, but also in the world. Explodes in the 80 not only in the plastic, but in all the conceptual movement. They seem to have found all aspects of art. The major proposal of the great avant-garde. Facts still feel so that's why he made a presentation exclusively from the 80's. Somehow here we are only 10. But it was a huge move, if you get to do a chronology of what actually took part in this time would we get an encyclopedia, "says Jorge Pizzani
" We are more than 10. The good thing is that we believed in what we were doing in the development of individual work. In addition, flow work by the same authors of 80 and currently is not even similar. We are not in uniform for people to see our sample thought they were the same artist, "said Zerpa.
curatorial Ten of the sample 80 is formed to show the work that artists did 30 years ago and they are creating today. This shows the progress of each of the proposals, I even back to the start of work. It is noteworthy that none of them have stopped working.
"Here is an example of the time. The sample is the view we have today about the activity that was created in the 80, that truth is not so far away. I want to see how it can be seen today. is that when you do a job just seem detestable things. But over time you get a different view, "said Julio Pacheco Rivas.
This trio of artists who prefer not to be called teachers, but artists, agrees to present this exhibition now has an end point: the art is an endurance race. "It is not about being first in this race. You have to be every day. In addition, they must take responsibility at a time where we need to take positions and to cover unfortunate that there are gaps," says Pacheco Rivas.
"Everything that is happening in this moment of darkness that we live today is going to surface. All that is repressed overflows. I am convinced that something is brewing here that is a posteriori, after much repression and so readily of nonsense. They'll be better days, because we will have light, "says Jorge Pizzani.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Report Disability Fraud In Il

10 artists recall the 80

10 artists recall the 80

An exhibition pays tribute to the artists who stormed to power 30 years ago and whose members are still active. Can appreciate works of Hector Fuentes, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Pancho Quilici and Carlos Zerpa, including D'Museum Gallery confronts ten artists of the period from September 20 to October
By: Yohana Silvera
Photos by: Renier Otto

The 80's was an era that was characterized by artistic conciliation period in which the computer was born staff, was the techno music boom and the war in Minitecas also premiered the color TV and Guillermo Dávila began his journey as an idol for all generations.
For visual artists was a lapse that allowed the proliferation of his work, where they dared to return the painting through the revival of old trends and the mixture of different styles.
These predilections may be seen in an exhibition that brings together ten representatives of the visual arts of the eighties in Venezuela, which opens on Sunday September 19 at 11:00 am, at the Galerie D'Museum under the title Ten of the 80. Formed
works by Milton Becerra, Sigfredo Chacón, Héctor Fuenmayor, Victor Hugo Irazábal, Luis Lizardo, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Jorge Pizzani, Pancho Quilici, Miguel Von Dangel and Carlos Zerpa, this exhibition aims to commemorate those years and highlight the creative work of those who continue with their work.
also can see contemporary works of artists, which allows comparisons and observe the developments that have taken the course.
"The importance of this exhibition is to look after from a distance, this return to the scene of the painting that was in the 80's after a period dominated by conceptual art, minimalism and geometric abstraction. It also leads us to reflect on what is the fate of the painting, "said the artist Julio Pacheco Rivas, who made his first exhibition in 1967, just 14 years old.
Thanks to the reunion that has allowed the exhibition Ten of the 80, the occasion was propitious for a retrospective of the cultural possibilities that existed two decades ago.
For the painter Jorge Pizzani "art movement now is very rich, because they have influenced government policies that reduce the status of artists in their work with that individual and collectivism absurd alternatives have opened. All you try to suppress it overflows. "
For Julio Pacheco Rivas, today there are many difficulties because after a decade in which museums acquire works not" there is a huge delay, there is a very large inclusion of young people plastic movement and on the other hand, has made it difficult to expose. Have closed the media and political status of the demonstrations is becoming more apparent and the art is relegated to the background.
Carlos Zerpa said that "museums have become mausoleums are very few galleries, everything has been bombed and museums are in the hands of people not interested in culture or art. Doing things like exposure is capable of establishing what happened in that time when there were hundreds of galleries and museums all were open. If art is full of freedom does not exist. On September 26 we have to go out to fight the darkness. "
" In Venezuela, there are many people young and dynamic, working, producing speeches that had been generations came over as our own, and did what they had to do and are where they want.
course, have hampered the country but as a Chinese saying goes: you are born in interesting times, "he said Héctor Fuenmayor.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Babys Arrival Messages

"10-80 "

"10 of the 80"

This coming Sunday in the Gallery D 'Museum in Las Mercedes.

Sigfredo Chacón, Héctor Fuenmayor, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Pancho Quilichi, Jorge Pizzani, Victor Hugo Irazábal, Miguel Von Dangel, Milton Becerra, Luis Lizardo and Carlos Zerpa

Monday, September 13, 2010

Parts Of A Pirate Ship Called

Change The Look

caressed her sweet skin and kissed him on his back, walked on the dock and fire your hair as contrasted with the blue sky, felt its aroma and its steps were listening to me.

Suddenly everything fell apart and I thought to possess knew that time was over, I fell in the vast limbo of darkness that has a meaning as close to death for a standard rate.

But I'm not a regular guy, wanted to protest.

Then I realized that I'm not even type. Meanwhile

redhead with brown eyes and sigh awoke, became entangled in the sheets and wanted 5 more minutes.

had to go to work and soon forgot that he had dreamed about me.

And I is spinning around me begged for the kind of strange habits downstairs to meet again would not sleep, I wanted the girl suddenly dreamed up again I'm your dragon, I wanted to be a brave knight dreams that the teenager, but did not know where he could land, he could even end up being the nightmare of someone haunted by horrific monsters and situations impossible.

I wanted to dream I could dream my own dream, but for us, the dreams, that privilege is denied us.


Referees Mount And Blade

Blue Demon, the blue version of the story.

Blue Demon, the blue version of the story.
From time wrestling was real -
truth ...

inside and outside the ring, there is nothing wrong with falling, what's wrong is not up
Mohamed Ali.

The Blue Demon was the personification of good always overcame evil, battling terrifying mummies, mad scientists, drug dealers, invaders from another world and rogues of the most diverse character ... The Blue Demon, alongside his great mate adventure, "Santo, the Silver Masked" were actually a couple of big hits, was first sworn arch enemies and hated, then they were great friends and filmed lots of made hundreds of movies and photo stories together, one silver and one from Blue, a Silver Ghost and the other a true Blue Devil ....
Blue Demon was very courageous, if you take it off quickly over, he ended up kick was impressive, broad-shouldered, with huge biceps, actually very agile, very strong and very muscular in nature, all the other wrestlers admired for their aggressiveness, tenacity and for their dedication in the fight, was a complete player, he loved his profession and devoted himself earnestly to her ... never neglected and was terrible in the ring, you needed a superhuman effort be defeated.
was the time when an abundance of brave fighters, great athletes and men with great courage, was another time, doubts were other warriors: Tarzan Lopez, Tonina Jackson, El Medico Murderer, The Nurse, Rayo de Jalisco, Huracan Ramirez, Mil Mascaras, Ray Mendoza, Black Shadow Karloff Lagarde, Sugi Sito, Dorrell Dixon, El Perro Aguayo, Tony Gorne, Bat Velasquez, Dr. Wagner, the Silver Masked Santo and Blue Demon.
the late 50s and until the early 60s was the golden era of struggle, and this fight was real art and skill, wrestling was really - really ... not like those now everything is so theatrical, full of pantomime and acrobatics ... The Demon says she feels hurt wrestling today ... "Poor thing, as they have degraded, have become a crude imitation of a circus full of clowns and actors ... I am a fighter and who is supposed that it was also struggling, so do not had it pat, above the ring, and in the jungle, what prevailed was the law of the strongest, the most fierce.
The Demon, began his preparation at the age of 15 years, practically lived at the gym, learning all the time, training and perfecting his style, forged, was a true athlete, to fight in the gym, in the ring and also the streets, where he was invincible, he found enemies who wanted to humiliate him, to thwart it, but the tube to be even more rude to them ... even then and throughout his career suffered severe injuries and fatal blows that nearly sent him into another world, was subjected to real test was the time war between the twelve-string.
had physical pain in wrestling, a lot of blood and shock banned, as that gave Tony Gorne one day, so strong a punch in the jaw, which knocked him out and the struggle against Cave Galindo, who threw him out of the ring causing him to fall head and fracturing his skull, another time also broke his neck and almost split a rib.
In his career, amid strong battles, he discovered the secret identity of ten fighters, who took away the mask, in fighting the "mask against mask" personal duels were almost to death, he collected 10 masks and shaved to eight opponents in fights "against hair mascara" but without doubt his best fight was against Galindo cave, the most rude among the rough, the most evil among the bad ... the Demon says: "It was a tremendous fighter, dirty from the filthy, vile, wicked and vile, insane , you hit it with everything and even bite you on your feet with shoes and everything. "
The mask, if the mask behind the mask is a human being, very privileged since it is he who enjoys the successes of the character you created ... tube to live much of their existence under that mask, without people knowing what his true identity, the first was made of goat skin by a shoemaker , is now wearing them bright silk ... "ALWAYS", even outside the ring, even in his private life ... even when he died (on 16 December 2000) because, like his friend "The Saint", Blue Masked Demon was also buried, lying in his coffin, dressed in dark blue suit, white shirt and tie and his blue mask on.
The Demon us the story of his life:
In 1988, after more than forty years as a fighter, I have decided to retire from the ring ... The fight took me to the total improvement, both economic and social and above all spiritual growth, I became very well, took me to know many cities in the world and many people, but mostly I approached the people and the children ... I live well, I have a great past, a welcome present and a promising future, my cycle is over as an active wrestler, because I never fight fiction, if not real fight and now I look at everything without nostalgia and with many thanks, my struggle is another, I am a teacher, I have my gym and teach them this wonderful art, the way to new generations ... I am satisfied.
all know that Clark Kent is Superman and Bruce Wayne is Batman, but no one knows and no one knew who was Blue Demon.
With his eternal mask of a very intense electric blue ...
only know that the only demon who is in heaven.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mirtazapine Side Effects In Men


looked in the mirror, he liked what he saw, his spotless white skin, pink lips, blue eyes and blond hair shone fell to spectacular.

Today was going to release his purple dress, that he saw in the window and he loved it .... Now put their high heels ... .. was the day indicated for the perfume that only used to nights like singing today ... straight .... was really happy

went out as usual on the same street as usual, the street that has seen over the past 2 years, loved to go through the Kindergarten ... always spread of laughter of the little ones .... expected someday have his own, wanted a boy named Isaac.

When he reached the cafeteria thought today would be happy, now would not ask for fruit, now ask about cheese cakes with chocolate always seemed to him ... as he looked up at breakfast and discussed the sun .... Was that it was very bright, up and watched the sky was clear, was blue without a cloud .... then smiled again.

After a long day, after many wishes of good luck for your next trip, decided to go to a bar for some cocktails .... Today asked not beer, decided today ask an Apple Martini, I knew what I did .... I'd seen him.

was a good conversation, were a good kiss, but both wanted to go there ... so she offered her apartment ....

- Let's play ... let me tie you - He told her ... with that mischievous smile that only women know how to do ...

He agreed, thinking it would be one of the best nights of your life ...

- I'll gag - she whispered in his ear .... giving little kisses.

Then she wanted to have him in bed .... Got up, put in music and started dancing ... first took off her dress, then her underwear ... in the end only left with its high black heels .... Was again look in the mirror and continued taking off the skin ....

He opened his eyes ... but failed escape attempt, was tied very strong ...

- Men ... always so predictable, are easy prey - said is

looked in the mirror ... there was with her skin raw, with red eyes and black lips smiled but now ... saw some sharp teeth, he looked and thought that he wanted to change, and did not like it was before and decided how I wanted to be tomorrow, but the tears would not let him concentrate

- Today will be quick .... I'm tired - after saying it was rushed.


looked in the mirror, he liked what he saw, his tanned skin without a blemish, red lips, his brown eyes bright and his black hair fell to spectacular.