Friday, September 17, 2010

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10 artists recall the 80

10 artists recall the 80

An exhibition pays tribute to the artists who stormed to power 30 years ago and whose members are still active. Can appreciate works of Hector Fuentes, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Pancho Quilici and Carlos Zerpa, including D'Museum Gallery confronts ten artists of the period from September 20 to October
By: Yohana Silvera
Photos by: Renier Otto

The 80's was an era that was characterized by artistic conciliation period in which the computer was born staff, was the techno music boom and the war in Minitecas also premiered the color TV and Guillermo Dávila began his journey as an idol for all generations.
For visual artists was a lapse that allowed the proliferation of his work, where they dared to return the painting through the revival of old trends and the mixture of different styles.
These predilections may be seen in an exhibition that brings together ten representatives of the visual arts of the eighties in Venezuela, which opens on Sunday September 19 at 11:00 am, at the Galerie D'Museum under the title Ten of the 80. Formed
works by Milton Becerra, Sigfredo Chacón, Héctor Fuenmayor, Victor Hugo Irazábal, Luis Lizardo, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Jorge Pizzani, Pancho Quilici, Miguel Von Dangel and Carlos Zerpa, this exhibition aims to commemorate those years and highlight the creative work of those who continue with their work.
also can see contemporary works of artists, which allows comparisons and observe the developments that have taken the course.
"The importance of this exhibition is to look after from a distance, this return to the scene of the painting that was in the 80's after a period dominated by conceptual art, minimalism and geometric abstraction. It also leads us to reflect on what is the fate of the painting, "said the artist Julio Pacheco Rivas, who made his first exhibition in 1967, just 14 years old.
Thanks to the reunion that has allowed the exhibition Ten of the 80, the occasion was propitious for a retrospective of the cultural possibilities that existed two decades ago.
For the painter Jorge Pizzani "art movement now is very rich, because they have influenced government policies that reduce the status of artists in their work with that individual and collectivism absurd alternatives have opened. All you try to suppress it overflows. "
For Julio Pacheco Rivas, today there are many difficulties because after a decade in which museums acquire works not" there is a huge delay, there is a very large inclusion of young people plastic movement and on the other hand, has made it difficult to expose. Have closed the media and political status of the demonstrations is becoming more apparent and the art is relegated to the background.
Carlos Zerpa said that "museums have become mausoleums are very few galleries, everything has been bombed and museums are in the hands of people not interested in culture or art. Doing things like exposure is capable of establishing what happened in that time when there were hundreds of galleries and museums all were open. If art is full of freedom does not exist. On September 26 we have to go out to fight the darkness. "
" In Venezuela, there are many people young and dynamic, working, producing speeches that had been generations came over as our own, and did what they had to do and are where they want.
course, have hampered the country but as a Chinese saying goes: you are born in interesting times, "he said Héctor Fuenmayor.


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