Sunday, September 19, 2010

Avoidant Personality Disorder Famous Character

Ten artists, as in fashion and music, revived what they created in the eighties and contrasted with their new works. The exhibition, which opens tomorrow at the Museum D'gallery in Las Mercedes, you will remember the days of Super 8Diez video art and artists, as in fashion and music, revived what they created in the eighties and as contrasted with their new works. The exhibition, which opens tomorrow at the Museum D'gallery in Las Mercedes, you will remember the days of video art and the Super 8

Eighties revived in the visual arts Ten

Venezuelan artists confront recent works with their proposed 30 years ago

Héctor Fuenmayor, Julio Pacheco Rivas, Jorge Pizzani, Pancho Quilici and Carlos Zerpa are some of the artists participating in 'Ten of the 80'. [Photo: Ernesto Morgado]

Eighties returned to film, fashion and music. The visual arts revival could not escape. Ten Venezuelan artists to confront his recent works created in the early days of personal computers, the emergence of AIDS, the passage of Halley's comet and the boom of shows like Dallas, Dynasty and Falcon Crest set the tone.

At that time, Ten players in the sample of 80, organized by the Museum D'gallery, were torn between resurrect the painting had been relegated in the seventies by minimalism and conceptualism, or growing forms of expression such as performance or video art, between making sculptures and installations engage.

were the days before the decree of death that hung over the painting, reminds Héctor Fuenmayor, which participates in the exhibition with three paintings of the origins of modern art. "In those years, the painting had to put on authenticity because he had been convicted," he says during assembly.

The exhibition also participates Carlos Zerpa, revealing that he feels very comfortable to be able to compare his work, both past and present, with his contemporaries. "It is an exhibition with friends. Without doubt, the eighties were very strong from the standpoint of art, both painting and sculpture and installations and assemblages. In those years, beginning in video art, is the golden age of Super 8 Venezuelan triumphed throughout the world. The years continue to shine with light itself. "

Zerpa A dialogue between the three dimensional piece Black Warrior Santos and his recent series mutants. The first is an assembly that represents a warrior with no arms or legs, made of leather, knives, shields martial arts, the second is a portrait whose lines are drawn with thousands of miniature bottles.

The painter Julio Pacheco show a work 30 years ago and again last week. It is closing or opening and Night, respectively, which demonstrate the purification of an architectural work of strong impression.

The artist said he decided to participate in the exhibition because they believe you live the right time to examine the past. "To wake up a dormant period is needed to at least 30 years. The decade of which we speak has been addressed by the exhibition's 80. Overview of the visual arts in Venezuela, the National Art Gallery. That was in 1990, was a review a bit premature. Now that 30 years have passed no time for proofreading and even for the revival. They get to take a certain aesthetic values \u200b\u200band accepts them without that seem abhorrent. "Pancho Quilici

establish a counterpoint between its series Money owls and a couple of pieces created for his latest exhibition in the country, which took place in sighted.

"The artists of the eighties live the aesthetic consensus at that time. The first impact for me was the trans, which came abruptly, with colossal force. From that moment of my generation have always been in another latitude, accompanying new trends yet still a bit distant and critical. It is a special generation. "

The exhibition also organic sculptures can be admired Milton Becerra, the drippings of Sigfredo Chacón, the eclectic works of Victor Hugo Irazábal and paintings of Luis Lizardo, Jorge and Miguel von Dangel Pizzani.


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