Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dragonball Bulma Episode 1

One night after see that regardless of the clouds the moon stood there, motionless, watching the dreams of those who dared look at it, decided it was time to pack up their dreams and start your journey.

were no dreams of grandeur, epic, much less watched a beautiful pink princess and a handsome prince, that I realized while going through all the packing was reviewing its creation date and expiration date.

also found that those dreams were not hers and looked like the dreams that others wanted to spend your life, things as small as your favorite color or flavor had from someone who pass through his life and left footprint, then realized that this was his dream to become the odor, color, taste, pain, yes, that was his dream, leave a mark on every person who passed through her life, not to be eternal, not to rebuild the sketch their tracks, but to be part of your dreams.

Getting Disability W2

Unaddressed Letter

(Please read this letter)

My dear and valued friend if you read this letter let me say that he has committed a serious and terrible error, for the simple reason that it is not for you. In the envelope do not see your name, and if it appears it is because someone has decided to play a joke to you or me.

I decided to write this letter because I have so many things to say and tell, but I have to whom. Nor do I have blog, I have no facebook, no twitter, I have no account or skype messenger, do not use blackberry or any bullshit of those who invent gossip now for life to people.

last few years I have dedicated every day to write letters that I read at least occasionally to forget my life I've been 1980 and I have no place to keep, so today I decided to give this in the post office, yes, unaddressed. But as people gossip, sure someone reads it. Fortunately I'm not counting anything intimate or personal, because either you interested in my life, or me theirs.

And although this letter has not addressed, I know that today everything is known, and you may receive a response from idle, then maybe I decide to write another letter, and perhaps another. But for now I will stop here.


Who the fuck cares about you,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hairstylist Birthday Cakes Designs


is sad but she freaked

do not know what the hell happened

had long looked not

I suddenly found her in the aisle in a crowded public office
crazy and talking to herself as she walked from one side to another

his once long blonde hair and neat

now was black and had a little rasta braids these threads full of dressed like a hippie
colors like a clone of herself but poorly dressed

instead of high heels now wearing rubber shoes, a white tennis but filthy

was not the glamorous and elegant lady night

to be doubted that she
I saw wandering
greeted her but she did not recognize me
talked and talked almost in whispers nonstop
a back and forth on his footsteps

I told her first husband and cried
I told her second husband and he called the first husband and first husband wept
phoned me a few days ago and I
confirmed that she was detained in a psychiatric hospital
her dear friend was in an asylum
today I cried too

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Latex Free Flavored Condoms


I've invited new people to write in this blog, but many of the current users for some time now do not write, I know who want to stay, but with the commitment of at least one story a month. If I should not delete them.

If no response this week assume the silence as a desire to retire.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teleologizm Głosił Ze

A blue flash in the space

When he awoke he knew he was going to be a good day.

The red sunlight came through the window slid slowly, like a thick jelly. When you touch the face of J felt a tingling in your skin leathery and scaly, opened only one of its six eyes and respiratory system aspirated foreign pure sulfur-filled air that morning.

recalled that night watching the stars, reminded her silence as he refused the marital rite, recalled the touch of her arm and the smell of sex hormones that had suddenly begun to stop feeling.

recalled that looked at the stars and thought he saw a blue flash in space, thought it might be a planet where there was a strange form of life, horrible things but with some humanity in them, where there are no worries love where no one woke up the next day with three broken hearts.

Where love was a certainty.

As we know, was wrong.