Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dragonball Bulma Episode 1

One night after see that regardless of the clouds the moon stood there, motionless, watching the dreams of those who dared look at it, decided it was time to pack up their dreams and start your journey.

were no dreams of grandeur, epic, much less watched a beautiful pink princess and a handsome prince, that I realized while going through all the packing was reviewing its creation date and expiration date.

also found that those dreams were not hers and looked like the dreams that others wanted to spend your life, things as small as your favorite color or flavor had from someone who pass through his life and left footprint, then realized that this was his dream to become the odor, color, taste, pain, yes, that was his dream, leave a mark on every person who passed through her life, not to be eternal, not to rebuild the sketch their tracks, but to be part of your dreams.


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