Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teleologizm Głosił Ze

A blue flash in the space

When he awoke he knew he was going to be a good day.

The red sunlight came through the window slid slowly, like a thick jelly. When you touch the face of J felt a tingling in your skin leathery and scaly, opened only one of its six eyes and respiratory system aspirated foreign pure sulfur-filled air that morning.

recalled that night watching the stars, reminded her silence as he refused the marital rite, recalled the touch of her arm and the smell of sex hormones that had suddenly begun to stop feeling.

recalled that looked at the stars and thought he saw a blue flash in space, thought it might be a planet where there was a strange form of life, horrible things but with some humanity in them, where there are no worries love where no one woke up the next day with three broken hearts.

Where love was a certainty.

As we know, was wrong.


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