Saturday, April 23, 2011

Allergy, Sneezing, Blood In Mucus



Performance Art

Carlos Zerpa

1981 - 1985

(Based on an idea that came to see a photo the artist Miguel Von Dangel, carrying a decapitated head of a horse)

Caracas - Venezuela Friday August 16, 1985

Carlos Zerpa

Dedicated to the memory of my dear friend Marco Antonio Ettedgui

I am sorry not being able to make my performance, scheduled for Friday August 16, 1985, in the room "MAE" in Caracas, to be impossible to conduct six (6) horses "purebred" black, down the steep steps and narrow corridors of the stairs leading to this space, but is impressed by this means, in national newspapers (El Nacional, El Universal and El Carabobeño) both appreciated our mutual friend Mark Antony, my proposal and my tribute to her memory that great friend and associate: Marco Antonio Ettedgui, who knew this project previously and who was excited about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible realization of this Performance.

San Marcos Horses

1 - There is an open and flat, perhaps a square, an airport or a valley.

2 - is 12 noon.

3 - There are six (6) young men and women, three (3) men and three (3) women, 20 to 25 years old, healthy, strong and perfectly dressed in white.

4 - They stand alongside each other, side by side, all facing forward.

5 - Everyone, men and women have their heads shaved in a typical military haircut.

6 - In front of them there are six (6) thoroughbred horse, black, with their heads tucked into six (6) cutters with razor sharp stainless steel blades ... ready to be beheaded.

7 - is heard over the loudspeakers, the opera "Fidelio" Beethoven "sung in German.

8 - the music stops, there is total silence.

9 - zsssss hear the blade to fall directly on the horse's neck ... falling fast and hard the sharp blades: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

10 - You hear the creepy neigh, which pumps agony of horses beheaded.

11 - fall to the ground the black heads of the horses: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

12 - The horse number five stands.

13 - Young people dressed in white: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 cover the heads of the horses and the embrace of her breasts.

14 - Her white clothes are soaked with blood red.

15 - The young number five, not having a freshly decapitated horse's head, his hands making one made of white plaster replicas of the original made in tracing.

16 - Young people walk 15 steps forward, carrying the heads dripping blood into a transparent cylinder.

17 - These transparent cylinders, which pools are filled with alcohol.

18 - Young people drop hard black heads of horses in the cylinders.

19 - is heard again over the loudspeakers, the opera "Fidelio" Beethoven "sung in German.

20 - The heads are submerged and then emerge.

21 - The spirit of the cylinders: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are stained red, not the number 5, wherein the head almost melts into the liquid.

22 - The young white clothes are stained, soaked red with the blood of horses.

23 - Not so the young of 5, who is staring at the plaster head in alcohol.

24 - Appears on diagonal a man dressed in black suit and approaching them, ranging from gala for a party night, tuxido wearing a white shirt and black bow tie also.

25 - The figure in black, stands behind the young man dressed in white who had the plaster head.

26 - It touches the right shoulder and this is turned on its feet.

27 - are facing each other, face to face.

28 - The character of swats black suit, with his fist repeatedly and furiously, nose and mouth of young white to make it bleed.

29 - The blood that flows through the nose and mouth down her face and chest will stain the spotless white suit.

30 - The young man turns back on his feet and faces the cylinder.

31- Los seis (6) jóvenes vestidos de blanco y manchados de sangre, sacan de sus bolsillos cajas de cerillas, de fósforos y encienden el alcohol de los seis (6) cilindros.

32- Hay 6 llamas enormes y seis cabezas de caballos en combustión.

33- El personaje vestido de negro camina hacia el único caballo NO decapitado.

34- Lo monta a pelo y se aleja cabalgando a todo galope hasta perderse en el horizonte.

35- La Opera “Fidelio” es detenida bruscamente.

36- Reina el silencio…

37- Las llamas se van extinguiendo poco a poco.

38- Sopla el viento, todos están como congelados, todo está en calm ... in the distance we hear some crickets.

39 - Performance over.


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