Monday, April 11, 2011

Insurance Company Newsletter Ideas

Charlotte singer dies Kazuno

Se dio a conocer una terrible noticia para todos los seguidores de Charlotte, pues Kazuno su vocalista desgraciadamente fallecio el pasado 5 del mes en curso, por causas que fueron describidas como "una enfermedad repentina", en su pagina oficial aparece el siguiente comunicado:

"Yarurotto to" everyone of the fans onto
Dearimasu our artists, "Yarurotto to" Wait, vocals] is the sum of the sudden illness for He died 51 minutes 致Shimashita midnight on April 5. So far

"Yarurotto to" Wait, and the sum of everyone - the fans to root for kindly, officials and everyone, thank you very much.

addition, funeral Ni関Shimashite by the intention of his family funeral, I received only let close relatives held at a private funeral.

deeply grateful to everyone who has ever - Wait, Japanese, and to keep alive in the hearts of everybody, I sincerely hope.

2011 年 4 月
11 日 株式会社 ナーヴ

"し ゃるろっと" メンバー, スタッフ 一同

"To all the fans of Charlotte ...
Kazuno, lead singer of this humble artistic company, Charlotte, succumbed to a sudden enfermadad died on April 5, at 12:51 am.

For those who have given their support to Charlotte, Kazuno, and all our friends and relatives really truly, thank you very much. According

the family's wishes, the funeral will be private and limited to family and close friends.

We thank all the fans, and hope with all our heart that Kazuno continue living in all their hearts.

April 11, 2011 Nerve Records LTD

Charlotte members and staff. "


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