Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can Undigested Food In Stools Be A Sign Of Ibs

He loved her until the day he left.

remember the last time I saw your eyes.

- Dariela! - So you could hear was screaming from the second floor.

You and your long hair ruffled over your shoulders, so many colors and do not know what is natural.

"One, two, three, four ... How many loaves do you think Bring -
-Los necessary to avoid starvation.
-not starve you, but half the population of the country.
-Haha .. Do not make up! Are inches. I do not keep food! - This was your voice and threw the door to close.

not sleep that night, thinking you, did not sleep, llorĂ¡ndote; not sleep, hating and hating every word you said not to leave, each way that you lost because you lost all still alive, even when they also died. And is that the bread used for the insane after being hit by a car and got the call that served only to read that does not shut your eyes until I arrive.

And I saw one last time, confirming the brightness is no longer for lack of spirit, and the color of your hair looked just to the pavement.


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