Thursday, December 9, 2010

Broken Capillaries On The Cheeks

remains to say Paula

Paula wears shades, has a beautiful ass, 29 years and is getting married.

lights a cigarette and take the last sip of wine, Miguel looks forward to its contained, they both know they have been, she has her clothes in the car will remain throughout the weekend while her boyfriend is dying of rabies because it does not answer the phone.

Felipe, Paula's boyfriend had taken a step in the not so long but profound relationship with it. Had invited her to stay a week and suddenly I was a month. Paula loved Philip, but when you said very subtly, but directly he needed his space, she packed up with a smile on your face and kiss him before he said: Cool, I also need my own

Miguel died

by Paula and during that weekend was so much sex that would never be able to forget, even if later found the woman who would love forever could stop imagining secret that when he made love to her was that Paula was there. But reached on Sunday night and fired in a passionate kiss.

Paula was really tired, he set his cell phone and had many messages of Philip, felt bad for two minutes, then just a little guilty, then felt the happiness you have those who feel they have gained some revenge ... Felipe needed space She had given him, but had filled the void of way.

While resting at home rang the bell and could not help feeling nervous, after all, Philip was her boyfriend, or good, it had been and most likely was, but neither is going to humiliate to anyone.

in pajamas she let Philip and Paula looked desperate at that time had to make a decision, do you simply lie or tell the truth?. But no lie it really credible and truth not only release, but will complete his revenge and give him the lesson that Philip was to learn, even if it cost him his relationship and even their dreams.

Philip and Paula was asked. With a wicked accuracy did not fail to detail, he remained impassive and suddenly stood up, turned his back and when she thought he was going he turned around and had something in his hands.

A ring.

- I think it's time that there is more space between you and me. Will you marry me?

She lost her voice to answer and only managed to nod.


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