Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How I Write Certificate?


blue version of the story.
From when wrestling was really - really ...
Carlos Zerpa

The Blue Demon was the personification of good always overcame evil, battling terrifying mummies, mad scientists, drug dealers, invaders from another world and rogues of the most diverse character ... The Blue Demon, next its great sidekick, "Santo, the Silver Masked" were actually a couple of big hits, was first sworn arch enemies and hated, then they were great friends and lots of movies filmed and made hundreds of graphic novels together, one Silver and the other blue, one silver and one Holy a true Blue Devil .... Blue Demon was very
veteran, if you take it off quickly over, he ended up kick was impressive, broad-shouldered, with huge biceps, actually very agile, very strong and very muscular in nature, all the other wrestlers admired him for his aggressiveness, tenacity and for their dedication in the fight, was a complete player, he loved his profession and devoted himself earnestly to her ... never neglected and was terrible in the ring, you needed a superhuman effort to beat him.
was the time when an abundance of brave fighters, great athletes and men with great courage, was another time, doubts were other warriors: Tarzan Lopez, Tonina Jackson, El Medico Murderer, The Nurse, Rayo de Jalisco, Huracan Ramirez, Mil Mascaras, The Chinese Dragon, Ray Mendoza, Black Shadow, Karloff Lagarde, Dorrell Dixon, El Perro Aguayo, Bat Velasquez, Cave Galindo, Dr. Wagner, the Silver Masked Santo and Blue Demon.
the late 50s and until the early 60s was the golden era of struggle, and this fight was real art and skill, wrestling was really - really ... not like those now everything is so theatrical, full of pantomime and acrobatics ... The Demon says she feels hurt wrestling today ... "Poor thing, as they have degraded, have become a crude imitation of a circus full of clowns, ... I am a fighter and it is assumed that era who fought so well that it had no pet, in the ring and in the jungle, what prevailed was the law of the strongest, the most fierce.
The Demon, began his preparation at the age of 15 years, practically lived at the gym, learning all the time, training and perfecting his style, forged, was a true athlete, to fight in the gym, in the ring and also the streets, where he was invincible, he found enemies who wanted to humiliate him, to thwart it, but the tube to be even more rude to them ... even then and throughout his career suffered severe injuries and fatal blows almost sent him into another world, was subjected to real test was the time of the war between the twelve-string.
had physical pain in wrestling, a lot of blood and shock banned, as that gave Tony Gorne one day, so strong a punch in the jaw, which knocked him out and the struggle against Cave Galindo, who threw him out of the ring causing him to fall head and fracturing his skull, another time also broke his neck and almost split a rib.
in his career and in the midst of fierce battles, he discovered the secret identity of ten fighters, who took away the mask, in fighting the "mask against mask" were duels Personal almost to death, he collected 10 masks and shaved to eight opponents in fights "against hair mascara, but without doubt his best fight was against Galindo cave, the most rude among the rough, the most evil among the evil ... Says The Demon: "It was a tremendous fighter, dirty from the filthy, vile, wicked and vile, insane, hit you with everything and even bite you on your feet with shoes and everything."
The mask, if the mask behind the mask is a human being, very privileged, since it is he who enjoys the successes of the character he has created ... hose who live much of their existence under that mask, no people knew which was his true identity, the first was made of goat skin by a shoemaker, is now wearing them bright silk ... "ALWAYS", even outside the ring, even in his private life ... even when he died (on 16 December in 2000) because, like his friend "The Ghost", the Blue Demon was also buried mask, lying in his coffin, dressed in dark blue suit, white shirt and tie and his blue mask on.
The Demon us the story of his life:
In 1988, after more than forty years as a fighter, I have decided to retire from the ring ... The fight took me the total improvement, both economic and social and above all spiritual growth, I became very well, took me to many cities in the world and many people, but mostly I approached the people and the children ... I live well, I have great past, present and also welcome a promising future, my cycle is over as an active wrestler, because I never fight for fiction, if not real fight and now I look at everything without nostalgia and with many thanks, my struggle is another, I am a teacher I have my gym and I teach this wonderful art, the way to new generations ... I am satisfied.
all know that Clark Kent is Superman and Bruce Wayne is Batman, but no one knows and no one knew who was Blue Demon.
With his eternal mask of a very intense electric blue ...
only know that the only demon who is in heaven.


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