Friday, December 17, 2010

New Doctor Joining Practice Letter

A man of good faith II: In memoriam Lord Carolus Magnus

(Click to read the first part of the story "A man of good faith")

The irony the story is that death really was right. Nobody is for it than a guy more and that he had seen six times our hero during the year just ended. In particular two of these deaths were shocking to him.

The first time was the death of his uncle. At least he said it was genetic, but relations had long ago proved otherwise.

Carlos Sanchez was a strange man in the context of his family. One of those individuals who in the eyes of his victims were the personification of evil, but the mirror could be confident that they were men in good faith. They had their ambitions, their goals, ever tried to conquer the world. His wife was beautiful. Desired by many. In that kind of woman who smells like freshly prepared meat for men who live in a constant alert to find women who can bring to bed.

Probably Carlos thought the same thing when he first saw. Our hero thought of the situation came to wonder if Carlos ever really felt like a good person or if he ever felt like a victim. If he was able to feel something good.

The horror of his last days, he was Divius told by his other uncle, Mathias. Apparently, old and bitter, Charles had locked in the office he had learned after being fired from one job held by stealing from their bosses. And is that for several years, Charles had perfected his technique and knowledge in repairing computers. Died of heart failure. A painful heart attack that took place at least for 24 hours. Or so they said.

His son did not want to attend his funeral. Carlos Mauricio said that he had been his father, but not his father. This phrase was said to Divius by his cousin, he tried to convince him to attend the funeral was a gesture of support for his mother and not to honor the memory of its "parent." It's said that night, while eating Chop Suey mediocre novels and watched on television. I really did not seem to affect you. Somehow, it was enviable.

Indeed, Divius, but wept bitterly when he found his own "parent" in the waiting room of the funeral home where they were preparing the corpse of his uncle, was not crying for the death of him, but by a overwhelming idea: he thought that day would never know the death of his father. And nor would learn of his death. Viewed from the perspective of a spectator in a movie theater, the scene was simply too tragic to not to mourn bitterly for Divius, loved his father, although he was aware that only outside its "parent."

The second death that rocked Divius, occurred the morning of December 17, 2010. Carlitos Figueroa, a gentle man - in the sense of the word we commonly find in the Bible - had died after more than a week after being hospitalized. The cause of death is unknown at the moment when these lines were written. However, the ideas still flow into the mind of our hero.

Carlitos was one of those men to whom the engineering of the soul was like a Gothic cathedral. Although it could be immense, was beautiful. And despite its size, never collapsed. O Divius never knew, because in the few times I shared with him, there was always generous.

boy, Carlitos often offered to cooperate with the small steps Divius. If you had to go to school, whether it was necessary to go to deliver a document. And when it came to visit, the few times I did were really nice views. Came into his life in the changing 1997 when the first migration of our hero came from their small bubble where even provincial crime is safe, the hostile capital. One of the most chaotic and dangerous world.

I used to call home to talk with Carmencita, his grandmother - although she deeply hated that word. Listened to the whisper on the phone, as if they were two teenagers who are vowing to love. It was nice, but our hero was jealous more than once. Still it was nice.

often invited him to visit the city that had moved. The warm weather was tempting, but stupid for not bothering distress, coupled with the desgradable presence of the "parent" of our hero made the decision never materialized. Postponed as many that should be not be postponed because one of the defects that could never correcting Divius was the idea that there was always enough time to do things, but life would have shown that there is enough time for anything.

One day before his death, Divius learned the delicate situation of Carlitos. Her mother had warned him about it yet, I just try to call once. He failed and then it just postponed. Again.

the morning of the death of Charlie, Divius was complaining that he could not celebrate with his friends if they chose would travel to visit his sick bed on Sunday and not Monday. After a settlement with his mother, Carmencita convince agreed on Monday to travel to this sunny city. A few minutes later, his mother called to tell that Charlie was dead. The meaning of any plan had been taken at that time. Plan was useless. Death had vanished the life of another man of good faith, who might deserve the title more Divius himself.

Carlitos died. Divius And he had no choice but to accept the good wishes, good deeds, they were nothing before death. That probably nothing made sense, because death took both the mean and the kind. Because no one survives his terrible sentence.

Worst of all is the only thing Divius could do in such a situation, was to steal inspiration to the event and write a mediocre lines trying to talk about the finitude of living beings. All to comply with an absurd, self-imposed standard, as its text but can be pleasing to many is not himself, because it feeds on the misfortune to gain recognition.

And so it must continue its path aware of an ineffable truth: life goes on, no matter the nature of the circumstances and if we decide to live ourselves end our existence, never escape the inevitable passage of time and all its consequences. It is our responsibility not to do anything useful with which we were given. We and nobody else.

Pic: " Some day, I'll bring you flowers, frozen flowers of death. " by e ³ · ° ° licensed under a Creative Commons CC.

Soundtrack: Maps - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs


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