Monday, December 20, 2010

I Forgot My Brinks Locker Combination


Carlos Zerpa

I was forced by the pressure of payments going to see my manager.
This cost me a lot, as I had to get me pride in the tiny pocket of the trousers and the tongue between the buttocks, and prepare and repeat several times what he had to say.
owed two months of my son's college and if not paid he could not enroll in the new year, he needed two thousand of the great and he would lend to me or to me ahead of my payment.
On reaching his office he treated me with that big smile attached to it. I gestured for me to sit while talking on the phone, gave me pause coffee, water, coke or whiskey with coconut water and kept talking on the phone ...
I said I wanted black coffee, short and without sugar and hang him without his secretary told him that he brought while he was attending another call and hung but your cell phone.
I drank coffee when he suddenly asked me
How many refrigerators do you have?
How many refrigerators depend you for your work? The
my house said, that of my mother and a little girl I have in my office ... Well there are three, I said. TWELVE
Well, I have one of this office, two from my home in Valencia, two of my apartment in Caracas, two in Miami, one in the house of my father, two in the beach house in home My mother and yacht ... are 0:06, six at a time have been corrupt, they stopped the engine and mechanical and maintenance needs, six at a time, you can believe it?.
I went on the yacht last weekend, putting his head on something else, the beach, fishing and at sea, in the seas, the refrigerator stopped working and did not produce ice ... you think? In the midst of the sea without ice? The shame of having to ask others ice on his yacht at sea, which people did not even know? Dying of grief by asking them gave me some ice cubes?
want to take another coffee?
No thanks just passing by to say hello but I'm going.
phone rings again and again displayed his eternal smile.
I went home.


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